CNET News: Nintendo unveils Nintendoland at E3 2012 in Los Angeles
CNET News: Nintendo unveils Nintendoland at E3 2012 in Los Angeles
22r hello nintendo angela has already
described nintendoland gathers
attractions or based on many of our most
popular franchises into a nintendo theme
park what do you got a title
distractions borrow atmosphere the
character of the original title CSI be
able to rearrange them not so into
completely new types of play full of
info botany your me visits the theme
park I don't know and your me will
change into a new costume for each
traction I will enjoy that attraction as
a character in that role that's Nintendo
land we didn't know run deneva then put
it in the land as a single game it
brings together 1208 different
attractions how you doing you take that
I to those visiting III doing sitting
that we have five of those 12 attraction
of cell for you to try to use my fellow
what's it about camping minus five
didn't know this it The Legend of Zelda
battle quest on your mother put on
animal crossing the sweet day and
luigi's ghost mansion for multiplayer
attraction what if there is no mistake
in not I'll get everyone excited chingo
de plano Arakawa don't you also show the
single-player traction hakama Donkey
Kong a crash course and akamaru's ninja
castle akamaru ninja caps Aloha indium
is Magic Castle you'll use any kay will
you get you have to hit targets of
Thrones he is also the video you may be
familiar those of you who saw last
year's e3 consoles I'm gonna check out
the cackler Vicki I hope we will try on
the show floor to see how it has
progressed it what does he got in
Kendall case if there were three
objectives except look as I said is that
starting the construction of Nintendo
lamps Dalton Eva Wii U gamepad the first
was to narrating my president buhl ID no
ticular gameplay by taking advantage of
the wii u gamepad vanilla stuck up to
you about any bot since we were creating
a theme park indeed also wanted people
to enjoy tonight whether visiting like
listen Topanga or beneath us playing
tonsil added a vehicular themselves so
stay saigo knee and finalize you cut out
capstan that I one intend to level the
semi play scissors from all around the
world could gather what it's against
thing and I want any visitors to really
sense that the cottages will make this a
reality is miiverse sick I do that game
of flour Africa living rooms in people
thats that's no playing games all around
the world well no neva
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