CNET News - Self-driving car to embark on cross-country trip
CNET News - Self-driving car to embark on cross-country trip
it may be a first-of-its-kind
cross-country road trip three people
will be riding in this modified Audi but
for a majority of the time no one will
actually be driving it's the longest
coast-to-coast journey of an automated
car from San Francisco to New York this
car will make the 3500 mild trip using
delphi self-driving technology which
includes roughly 20 sensing systems
around the periphery there is forward
vision there's radar there's also lidar
the car has high accuracy GPS and then
also vehicle the vehicle and vehicle to
infrastructure communications Delphi is
putting its autonomous driving system to
this long-distance test to collect more
data about highways from on-ramp to
off-ramp the technology will control the
car with an operator behind the wheel in
case of emergency so we're using radar
envision systems and those rely on the
infrastructure as well as other vehicles
around them for the car to make
decisions but they won't be hands-free
one hundred percent of the time in urban
environments operators will take over
and drive only five places in the united
states including california washington
DC and nevada have specific regulations
for autonomous driving for the rest of
the states that are driving through we
just have to follow the laws of those
states so in some cases we'll have to
keep a hand on the wheel or just abide
by the local law in those areas other
companies have performed similar stunts
Aldys self-driving car made the trek
from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas for the
consumer electronics show in january
Delphi hopes the road ahead includes
automakers putting its technology into
future cars in Mountain View I'm Carter
Tsuboi for CBS News
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