CNET News - T-Mobile CEO thinks BlackBerry is poised for a comeback
CNET News - T-Mobile CEO thinks BlackBerry is poised for a comeback
a year ago we did the word association
game I want to bring that back for round
two we've got Mike there I've got a
couple of words got couple gonna gonna
fall right I've got that's Jess so no
peeking no peeking it might you can go
for ah you can go first Mike but 18t um
greedy verizon red sprint in a tough
spot let's not really one word okay i'll
let you let's go yellow well net
neutrality supportive spectrum lots okay
unlimited data 5g 2020 okay blackberry
on a comeback I then lastly I know we
did some superheroes Green Lantern
because I know you like to fly
absolutely um yeah superhero are you
suck it I know really haha you so
because the hell's green land all right
well I've actually bad and of course i
could ask sign in no he gets killed by
Batman alright well thank you guys for
your time this is Roger Cheng with CNN
thanks for joining us
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