if you've ever wanted a doctor in your
pocket the WebMD allergy appt is as
close as you're going to get this app
will give me the daily weather and
pollen forecast while describing exactly
what allergens are in the air on that
particular day set up the app to give
you notifications when allergen levels
reach a certain point and read tips for
minimizing symptoms this free app is
only available for iPhone users for
Android users try downloading the free
allergy alert from pollen calm this app
also uses your location to provide the
daily forecast for the local pollen
count also handy is the four-day
forecast so you can look ahead and
better schedule your week and finally if
you want to really fight allergies
iphone users can download the free game
Paul and popper light it's not going to
do much for that runny nose but you'll
feel satisfied at popping pollen grains
in clearing the air whether real or
imaginary don't let the pollen get to
you in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi
cnet.com for CBS News
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