CNET News - Tech Minute: Apps for easier holiday travel
CNET News - Tech Minute: Apps for easier holiday travel
if you haven't yet book your holiday
airfare now is the time kayak orbits and
Hipmunk are all great free apps to
search all airline carriers for the best
deals and most ideal travel times but
before you book that flight head over to
tripadvisor's a sikh guru app to pick
the best seat on the plane no one wants
to get stuck in a middle seat by the
lavatory after your airfare is confirmed
ascender itinerary to the app world mate
gold it will keep track of your air
travel rental car and even your calendar
the app does cost 10 bucks but it's well
worth it for staying on top of your
reservations and appointments and
finally recommend that your friends and
family picking you up at the airport
download the dollar 99 app just landed
they'll plug in your flight information
and get alerts for delays and reminders
for when to pick you up hopefully these
apps can remove the stress from your
holiday travel in San Francisco I'm Kara
Tsuboi for CBS News
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