CNET News - Tech companies try to out-build, out-program each other with Legos
CNET News - Tech companies try to out-build, out-program each other with Legos
welcome to the Robo lunch party we're
here in San Francisco having a great
time we've had some teams come out to
compete and win prizes for charity so
all the teams were using the new ev3 set
which is the next evolution of robotics
for Lego Mindstorms I'm David Hill yeah
I'm with the Facebook team and this is a
robot Johnny that we've built over the
last couple of days using the new Lego
kit basically he's doing a hit from a
t-ball and then runs the baseball
diamond and does a little victory dance
at the end my name is sherry Cawood and
i'm with the team instructables and what
we built today is called robit' and he
is a true San Franciscan robot and that
he cannot put down his phone he looks at
it and he walks around and he bumps into
everything hi my name is Lawrence County
I'm part of team Pandora we're here at
the lego robotics competition we made a
giant pitcher and an athletics batter
and they play a little game baseball my
name is Ross arms and I'm with Flickr
and we built the Emperor Norton bot
Emperor Norton was an 1850s San
Francisco historical figure among other
things he tried to dissolve Congress and
though penniless the ADA local
restaurants issuing his own currency
education wise these toys are great for
learning to program learning mechanics
learning just salt problem solving in
general so we use our technology working
with Lego to integrate into making
instructions that are manipulated in 3d
so it makes it very accessible and very
easy to use for younger and younger
children so here's a nice example of a
creation done again with the parts from
one set it's a little printer you got
one motor here that will bring the
sharpie pen up and down and you've got
another motor that will slide the pen
across the the paper here Lego ev3 so
it's electric guitar designed by daniela
he's an italian fan of Lego
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