CNET News - The Next Great Space Race: Testing with the teams of the Google Lunar XPrize
CNET News - The Next Great Space Race: Testing with the teams of the Google Lunar XPrize
welcome to the next great space race the
google lunar xprize 30 million dollars
in prizes to incentivize private teams
to land on the moon surface 33 teams
have entered but just five have been
selected for six million dollars of
interim prizes these milestone prizes
will be awarded to the teams that can
best demonstrate their ability to land
safely on the moon and broadcast
high-definition video back here
the six million dollars can go a long
way with these teams they can use the
money to put towards a launch contract
which is one of the very first steps in
aiming for the moon this portion of the
prize the terrestrial miles comprises
design for the teams to show google
lunar xprize of the XPrize foundation
that they have actually created hardware
that is on a path for launching and we
like to call it significant progress
toward launch these tests fall into
three basic categories that represent
the basic major challenges of landing on
the moon first up is the landing itself
the team that can demonstrate that it's
lander can actually touch down safely do
so without crashing into a boulder what
Astrobotic is looking for on this test
is to have confidence that their
navigation system interfaces well with
the mast and lander and that it
successfully has a safe touchdown we're
landing near the Lokus mortis pit it's
much rougher terrain than where Apollo
landed or any of the older Mars landings
we want to guarantee that we're going to
be safe when we touch down well this
test is really focusing on the key
technical challenge of the google lunar
xprize which has only been sucessfully
done by three government agencies in the
past and though private companies have
ever done that they are testing the
precision guidance of the sensor
packages that they have on board this
technology's pretty much been used and
tested in robotics so it's more the
application of this technology
so for this flight the critical part of
the code that I wrote was the landing
site selector so what that software does
is given an estimate of where the rocket
is with respect to the potential landing
zone and given probabilistic estimates
of rocky regions verse flat regions it
takes that classified data from other
software and picks the final actual
coordinate destination to send to the
vehicle where the mast and vehicle takes
over and guides the rocket to that
landing spot Astra biotics is actually
going to fly other teams to the surface
of the moon so that's interesting
approach so they're taking other
payloads with them as well as their own
from touchdown to mission complete 4 GL
XP that's the that's the final moon cast
that that would be about 50 days and we
are of course planning for more surface
operations once the initial GL XP
moonquest is completed we built a
volumetric prototype for a lander it
gives the sizing the placement of the
various components and add another
facility partner facility we're doing
the imaging system we're not trying to
you know figure out anything
dramatically in you the mission itself
is dramatic so let's not try and get in
too many you know fantastic theories in
there so it's a classic we go into Earth
parking orbit which the launch vehicle
puts us into that's a 55 thousand
kilometer apogee orbit we're taking
three orbits there then we switching to
a lunar orbit a couple of orbits there
then we begin descent the final descent
burn is about nine minutes 9 to 10
minutes and then we touch down
we'll be able to get that money shot
that that pic of the moon and the earth
of a million miles out that'll be a
great pick and then we'll fall back on
the moon will go into orbit about the
moon take a breath make sure the
spacecraft is healthy and once we have
the confidence will give the signal and
we'll go in and that landing sequence
will be pretty fast less than 10 minutes
for sure and we'll be hitting our brakes
going down to the surface of the Moon
and landing on our thrusters
so what we're testing today is the very
first of our field tests with it we're
doing what's called a moist test which
we put a hydrogen peroxide in the tanks
and we actually check to see that all
the systems are go this is more of a
technology risk reduction than it is a
replication of any landing scenarios
flying anything this complex like this
is a feat in and of itself and so what
we accomplished is for one we have a
thruster that's very similar to in both
the type and the design to what we'll
fly on the actual flight model we have
the actual flight software that we will
fly so how we determine where the
spacecraft it sort of depends on where
it is inefficient face when we're out in
deep space transiting to the moon will
mostly be relying on what are called
star tracker images so we take an image
of the stars and then using the known
locations of the stars in the celestial
sphere we can figure out where the
spacecraft is pointed so in a
combination of work on the spacecraft
and work on the ground figure out where
it is and where it's pointed next up is
imaging with the team demonstrates that
it has the ability to broadcast
high-definition video across space back
to earth to demonstrate sort of very
high resolution and high frame rate
video is something that is not that easy
to do
so this is the first test of part-time
scientists imaging subsystem and so
today part-time scientists is attempting
to demonstrate that their imaging system
is capable of capturing high-quality
still images in later tests they'll move
into moving images with with potentially
having a rover mounted camera or some
sort of moving camera moving through the
scene and also demonstrating the pan
tilt mechanism for today will be still
images and they're pointing their camera
at at targets targets for color and also
for image quality the reason why you saw
is putting up different filters in front
of the camera is actually because we
have been mixing two different types of
cameras so we're having two black and
white cameras which are the de parallel
ones there were ones for the
stereoscopic imaging that we used to do
this 3d scanning of the surface and
measuring distances to certain focal
points and then we have of course the
teller lens which is in the middle and
the tellanon's is actually different in
a way that the the other two cameras
actually already color sensor so they're
capable of seeing color themselves but
the teller lens is a black-and-white
sensor one is the quality is better if
you use a black-and-white sensor and
apply in white cancer fullest so the
reason why we've come here to the dfk
eye institute is because they have this
very awesome space hall which is capable
of simulating realistic lunar lighting
conditions this moonscape has a few
interesting properties one of them is
that it's optically realistic so they
have the right color and the right
formation of the surface to give the
shadowing effects and the lighting
effects that a camera on the moon would
actually be looking at in these tests
now it won't be simulated they will be
gathering the data and analyze it
overnight i would say without doubt that
there is rather more work to be done
before they qualify for the for the cash
prize but this would be for them a big
step in the right direction
we need to prove that the resolution of
the images are good enough to drive that
the compression that's required to get
all that data down doesn't destroy the
images and that we can take nice high
color HD images of the beautiful things
we're going to see on them yeah so right
now we're looking at the user interface
for our prototype moon rover on it we
can see the images that are fed to it
those are used to control the rover and
the higher definition images are scream
back to earth for the viewing of the
public we're measuring the resolution
we're looking at the focus at various
different ranges looking at the signal
illinois's the antibiotic systems it's
nice because it has a stereo sensor so
two cameras on it you can generate 3d
information the two cameras give us a
stereo video on the moon the appearance
is a little different it's very grey
it's very flat the sunlights very bright
and so it's hard to tell distances on
earth you use things like the bluing of
the mountains very far away to
understand how far things are we use the
stereo cameras to be able to tell
distance to things like rocks and
craters so we don't get stuck they pass
all the requirements with one camera and
now they have two so they're more than
twice as good for the camera
once we've landed will be taking some
video and some high definition imagery
wherever possible we use consumer
technology and upscale or upgraded to
space qualification so with imaging
we're going to be using some commercial
cameras that we've modified and
environmentally tested and this will be
very cool because they are extremely
capable and relatively inexpensive and
we'll be flying these things for the
first time to another world and when we
announce what those cameras are I think
people be pretty excited about it
finally there's mobility showing that
the team can cross 500 meters either
above on or even below the surface of
the moon octo has decided to use these
sand dunes as much like the lunar
surface and to go through some of the
different paces that the rover will see
to include communications as well as
mobility and this is an off-the-shelf
camera for industrial youth pointed
straight up so it's also a parabolic
mirror so the camera can see a
360-degree image all the way around the
live raw image from the Omni camera here
so we can see in front of the rover to
the right I I'll show you spot turn
we're going to turn 30 degrees to the
right yeah so in the front here this is
a 3d scanner so it works with the laser
we have processing on board the rover
that can detect the slope of the ground
in front of the rover detect if there's
a pit or rock then we can come to an
emergency stop tell the operator that
information so they can make a decision
after landing we send a signal from the
ground station then envelope should open
then global should goes out from the
envelope then touching on the surface of
the moon and then trouble more than 500
meters this team has done a very good
job of understanding what the
requirements are and answering those
requirements in a very methodical way
they had to design a envelope that will
fit on a lander and they had to deploy
that envelope going through different
vibration and
mental tests and then of course they had
to work with commercial off-the-shelf
hardware not meant for space
environments and working through the
problems of keeping a thermally stable
allowing it to operate in much more
austere kinds of places solution to the
XPrize requirements is Moonraker the
larger the two they have a secondary set
of objectives that don't have anything
to do with X PRIZE and that is to look
into what are termed lava tubes on the
moon so they've created a second Rover a
much smaller one that can trail behind
and at some point the smaller tetris
will be lowered into a lava tube in
order to collect different kinds of data
the rumor has a suspension that allows
it to drive at low speeds very capably
it's a single pivot suspension so it's
got one pivot up front and then all of
the rest of the suspension is fixed so
as it drives over rocks the wheels will
lift and the body will average it
doesn't do anything for dynamics but
because we're driving so slowly it's a
very capable system from the earth to
the moon we have a signal propagation
delay of 2.5 seconds so when we send a
command from Earth it takes 2.5 seconds
to reach the moon and from the moon the
image feedback that gives a result of
that action would be another 2.5 seconds
so we press a button to make the robot
do something then we see at five seconds
later so we have to plan for that in our
driving strategy
our rubber is small so it's it's
four-wheel all four wheels are powered
the front two wheels are staring it has
a collapsible mast it is powered using
solar panels relatively small overall
dimensions would be about half a meter
by half meter by 40 centimeters so it's
almost a cube the four wheeled over is
much more efficient out there in the
field because it can do more exploring
Lee from our definition to go over can
move 360 degrees from the top
perspective in any direction there is no
back end for of no white side left side
that gives him a great way of
flexibility and freedom to move and that
means you won't get stuck easily I think
that's the special thing about also it
has an active suspension system which
means you can lift and lower single legs
so after we've landed and after we've
done what we need to do with our other
science instruments and with our google
lunar xprize cameras we're going to take
off again we're going to fly across the
surface of the moon at least 500 meters
maybe more and land again and do the
same thing take some panoramic images
some HD video and that will be the first
extreme jump off planet their vehicle
must know not only how to land but then
also how to take off again however
landing the second time should be easier
based on what we've learned from the
first time so we will be trying to do if
we're taking images of the surface women
are on our way in the first time Ryan
he's as much that data as possible to
make a smooth path for the spacecraft
the second time when we go to wind the
milestone tests are completed the money
has been awarded there's still a long
way to go before the first team collects
20 million dollars in its place in
history as the first commercial team
lane on the moon i'm tim stevens frozen
head covering the google lunar xprize
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