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CNET News - Tim Cook takes a swipe at Google and Facebook

at Apple we start with this very simple premise our customers trust means everything to us and we spent decades working to earn that trust that's what privacy and security are built into every one of our products and services from their inception we have strict policies that govern how all data is handled our networks and systems are segmented our hardware and software use encryption and we have a security operations team monitoring our infrastructure 24/7 beyond that we have a straightforward business model that's based on selling the best products and services in the world not on selling your personal data we don't sell advertisers any information from your email content from your messages or your web browsing history we don't try to monetize the information you store on your iPhone or in iCloud when we ask you for data it's to provide you with better services and even then you have a choice you're in the driver's seat on how much information you share and when you want to stop sharing it we set the industry's highest standards and we are deeply committed to living up to them
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