CNET News - A kind of Kickstarter for college grads
CNET News - A kind of Kickstarter for college grads
one day a huge amount of money just was
deposited into my personal bank account
Stanford Business School grad Ian
shaquille received that stash of cash
thanks to upstart a new crowdfunding
platform which he used to share his
dream of creating a medical app and now
I feel ready just on my own my own
company upstart is similar to
Kickstarter but instead of funding
projects backers fund people we actually
need more people early in their careers
taking risk and trying to create jobs
rather than just take jobs former Google
employee Dave Gerard co-founded up start
to connect investors and recent
graduates in fields from engineering to
art if you back somebody an upstart you
actually receive and return a very small
share their personal income over ten
years we actually have created
algorithms that will statistically
predict somebody's income
how does upstart spot a potentially good
investment we look at signals in
someone's history as to their potential
so we look at the schools that they went
to we look at what what they studied
what their grades were their
standardized test scores we see what
other job offers or internships they had
there's no guarantee of funding
graduates have 60 days to raise a
minimum of $10,000 half of the 80
individuals on the site have been
successfully funded fewer than 10 have
failed so what convinced people to back
shaquille it might have had something to
do with his plans to create a health
care app for Google glass magnetics I
have 32 angel investors through up
Starcom and I wouldn't want to have
these same background checks and
conversations with each one of them
upstart sort of serves in the clearing
house with the funding
ian's company has grown to 10 employees
but that's not the sole benefit we've
been you know heavily calling upon our
upstart backers to make sure that we can
learn from their lessons and good things
right and legally and otherwise
Shaquille says investors are keen to
invest in musicians and artists not just
techies and it just opens doors to say
that these folks have our back are our
mentors it gives us a lot of credibility
and yes Shaquille says it also adds some
pressure but that may just motivate him
in palo alto california i'm samhitas for CBS news
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