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CNET News - Wanting users to stick around, Facebook introduces Graph Search

Facebook's message is clear log on get comfortable and stay a while in a much awaited announcement CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced graph search the new search tool combs your social network to provide results tailored to you yet one more reason to park yourself on Facebook site today we're really just starting off with a few basic types of things that you can search for people photos Places pages for businesses and that's just the start users can find photos of friends taken before 1999 friends who work at a particular company or Indian restaurants liked by Indian friends meaning graph search explores territory claimed by not only Google but also Yelp and LinkedIn anticipating concerns Facebook repeatedly stated graph search is privacy aware only pulling from content that's been shared with you Facebook is said over and over again nothing is on here that isn't already public despite them saying that though a lot of people don't realize what they've put up it that is public while reaction to features like timeline has been mixed graph search may win more fans no one else has the data to do this no one else has the amount of people on their network to do this graph search is available to a small group of users now others can join the wait list at where else Facebook in San Francisco I'm Sumi das for CBS News
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