hey everyone welcome to the inside scoop
I'm cnet's cars tsuboi joined by staff
writer Josh Lowensohn hey Josh so much
anticipated iTunes 11 finally came out
why the delay first of all well Apple
said they needed more time to get it
right and of course users actually get
to test that out for themselves it came
out this morning and this is really a
piece of software that's been expected
for years yeah because itunes 10 was
when 2010 so they've kind of put out
more more point updates that can i added
features things like iTunes Match and
1080p video basically just bolting on
features but it hasn't really been a
full kind of rethink of the software
until now and you've had a couple of
hours to play with it what are your
thoughts so far we definitely clean
things up I mean for new users there
they're all the things are still there
they're just kind of in different places
okay it's not too hard to figure out
your way around but they definitely kind
of move things around to be a little bit
more wide and open that includes things
like this new album view which kind of
expands out to show you what songs are
in albums they really don't way with
some of the more complex ways to go
through your music for example what did
they get rid of it will no longer have
you can no longer use cover flow which
was there once touted feature total
seems like the crowning feature in 2006
and now it's completely gone ok I think
cuz people didn't really use it so
that's not there anymore you also don't
have things like the dee duper for music
this is the thing that if you had
duplicate tracks it would actually go
through and help you clean it up which
is actually really handy so why you're
rid of it I don't know that's Apple ok
and what are some of the new standout
features that we've never seen before
well they have a new mini player so it's
kind of hard to get excited about a mini
player but if you're the kind of person
who has a lot of things going on your
desktop you don't really like to hop
around this lets you just have just a
miniature iTunes experience they had
this before but it was kind of limited
in the features now you can do things
like search and make playlists and
really kind of manage what you want to
hear next all those sorts of things from
something that's just this big on your
desktop Tandy yeah ok and something
about a new camera integration with
iTunes right yes this is actually a
surprise feature and they they put this
into the store so if you're on a Mac
only for now if you have a gift card you
can actually hold it up to your your
computer and it'll scan it and find the
code for you and put it in so you don't
actually have to type it out that's cool
I'm really hoping this comes to things
like your phone and obviously pcs so if
you get something from like Starbucks
like when they're free app cards you
just scan it because those things are
just you know it's like a 20 digit code
yeah totally and that makes great sense
to integrate all of the features of the
computer with you know how we use these
things in real life right makes a lot of
sense very cool iTunes 11 out now get
your hands on it it's available for free
download upgrade and hopefully it'll be
bug less and seamless we'll see about
that thank you so much Josh Lowensohn
I'm Kara Tsuboi you've been watching the
inside scoop
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