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CNET On Cars - How to spot a "staged" accident

nobody likes getting into a car accident unless you do it for a living well the scheme is to cause an accident with an innocent person and make it that innocent person's fault syphilis schemes is to pull in front of an unsuspecting driver on slam on your brakes any vehicle that they know is going to have insurance on our partners at state farms say FBI figures indicate these crooked collisions cost insurance companies some twenty billion dollars a year and you know who ends up paying that now stage the accidents start off looking like accident accidents but here's some red flags to keep an eye out for that make all the difference everyone in the other car complains of neck and back pain even though the collision was minor lots of witnesses come forward at the accident scene right after it happens those could be plants the driver of the other vehicle offers to find you a great repair shop doctor or lawyer now boiling a stage accident is a lot like avoiding an accident with a particular emphasis on space around you you see the scanners will try stuff that involves being close they'll come up behind you now comp right in front is jammed their brakes on or the wave you in for a lane change and then come right in and clip and then it's off to the insurance claim luckily personal technology mobile devices can really help you in the event of and right after a staged accident use your smartphone to take lots of photos of the car damaged license plates insurance cards and ID's even the other parties if you've got a panoramic photo feature use it to document the entire scene sketch out what happened while it's fresh in your mind or use an app like State Farm has where you can enter the accident report digitally right then and consider installing a drive cam in your car that always records a few seconds before during and after an accident impact
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