CNET On Cars - Smarter driver: Drowsy-driving tech
CNET On Cars - Smarter driver: Drowsy-driving tech
new methodology from the triple-a
foundation for traffic safety shows 21
percent of fatal car crashes have
drowsiness as a Fault in their
estimation a full 33 percent of drivers
aged 19 to 24 admit driving drowsy at
least in the last month
that's the highest demographic and 28%
of American drivers overall admit to me
drowsy driver alert systems use a
variety of sensors and cameras to
monitor your driving behavior drowsiness
detection tech force arrived in model
year 2008 with Volvo's driver alert
control that monitors the car operators
input to deduce when the drivers
browsing Mercedes Ford and others
followed with similar systems that are
now the most popular type of drowsy
detection technology Toyota and Lexus
use a less common eye detection system
with infrared cameras mounted on the
steering column aimed toward the
driver's face the cameras recognize your
face by measuring where your eyelids are
seeing machines is developing a full
face tracking technology for passenger
cars that would build on systems it
already makes for truck train and mining
equipment Fujitsu is starting production
on what they call the feel of them
device that combines a band around the
drivers neck and a sensor clip to the
drivers earlobe for its senses pulse and
through that can predict drowsiness and
then use sound or vibration to wake you
up at the biometrics Institute of
Valencia in Spain they're developing the
hearkens system that uses sensors in the
seat cover and seat belt to monitor
pulse and respiration which is then
computed into an indicator of drowsiness
and going forward there's even
development of drowsy detection and
alert in future smart watch it pays to
double check how you feel when you're
driving and if the answer is drowsy you
don't need a cup of coffee you need some
more realities of modern driving
revealed now at CNET on cars comm click
on smarter driver
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