CNET TV: The Buzz Report: fuzzy math and building-sized hook
CNET TV: The Buzz Report: fuzzy math and building-sized hook
hi I'm Molly wood and welcome to the
buzz report this week Microsoft back
just like I said also we have fun with
math but first it's the gauge of the
week the gadget of the week is the ESPN
ultimate remote it just went on sale for
delivery in time for Father's Day and it
is a red Wi-Fi equipped remote
controlled that not only you know
remotely controls your TV and stereo it
also gets on the Internet to give you a
program guide for TV listings whether
browsing email and text messaging you
can check your fantasy sports teams and
even shop online with this thing it is
sick it's for like the super ultra manly
men who can't be bothered to leave the
couch or use any other device other than
his amazing $300 remote control also I
would not mind having one myself and now
for the news did I or did I not tell you
that Microsoft would be back anyway you
know the news Microsoft now says it just
wants some kind of partnership with
Yahoo not to like buy them
it's like k-fed coming back around and
Britney it's just for stability and to
control the money not to like get
married again huh who do you think is
Brittany's pregnant little sister in
this oh we have a deal with Yahoo could
it be us yeah I don't think I like this
metaphor anymore in other news of the
week Napster announced that its entire
catalog of 6 million digital songs is
now available as DRM free mp3s for 99
cents each I think we can all agree that
this is pretty much the end of digital
rights management on music and that only
took almost 10 years yeah really
let's take a little walk through memory
lane shall we Napster launched in 1999
and peaked with 26 point 4 million users
by 2001 but it was sued out of existence
by 2002 then the music industry fought
digital distribution until they finally
let Apple sell digital songs on iTunes
starting in 2003 the songs were wrapped
in DRM and wouldn't play on lots of
other devices and then other people sold
DRM songs that wouldn't play on iPods
and everybody got annoyed by DRM
but even so the iTunes store alone sold
four billion socks so using some math
from the RIAA let's see how much money
the record industry could have made if
they just started selling DRM free songs
back in 1999 let's say over nine years
they sold an additional four billion
songs that's like if each of the 26
million people on Napster bought one CD
apiece so let's say the record industry
gets 70% of the profits of the song they
get 70% of the four billion songs that
equals 2.8 billion dollars for them not
bad at all
but that's not all when the RI EE sue
someone for pirating music they say they
lose nine thousand two hundred and fifty
dollars per song so if they'd started
selling DRM free songs in 2000 they
wouldn't have lost all those pirated
songs and they would have actually made
nine thousand two hundred fifty dollars
for each of the four billion additional
songs that they would have sold right
sure well it works when they say it so
let's see what's four billion times
9250 I'm going to carry a bunch of ones
here I come up with 3.7 times 10 to the
13th power that is roughly about a
quadric Goga lilian additional dollars
that they would have made and people
would still like the music industry I
bet they wish they had a time machine
right now that's a lot of money okay my
friends next up enjoy the awesome fury
that is what the help with Brian Cooley
what the hell
I didn't think grand theft auto could
get any more vulgar then along come
these that I got an email about this
from a co-worker and mind you not the
wilting Willy type she's one of those
indie filmmakers who vacations in the
third world and has a tattoo of Boris
Yeltsin and a bra on her ass so I
figured what could shock her you know
this is really just a toast if you think
about it
a toast to you mister sitting on the
edge of your sofa in your boxer shorts
mouth a gate dumb glazed look in your
face as you're awash and reflected
television light monotonous ly pulling
the trigger and killing prostitutes and
pigeons and policemen and uttering a
half-assed grunt every time you hit the
mark she's not a character in Grand
Theft Auto that's a game publisher big
old giant whore preying on your baser
instincts to separate you from 50 bucks
while telling you if it feels good it's
okay thanks Brian well said as always
I'm Molly wood and this has been the
buzz report thanks for watching
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