welcome to see that top 5 reach time we
meet we count down another hot cnet list
I'm Tom Merritt whether you consider the
automata of a festus workshop the
original robot or maybe you side with
the automatic flute player of the ninth
century Persian book of ingenious
devices you know robots play a great
role in our literature but movies made
the idea of robots come alive in a way
never seen before so I trawled the
Internet's looking for your ideas about
the coolest robots from the movies ever
let's count down the top-5 coolest movie
robots and yes we're including androids
kicking it off at number five is the
classic Maria from metropolis in 1927
probably the first movie robot ever she
was a debased version of the real Maria
who fought for the cause of the workers
and unlike the real Maria the robot
version was quite the dancer coming in
at number four Marvin the Paranoid
Android with genuine people
personalities from the Sirius
cybernetics corporation brain the size
of a planet and he's number 4 D pressing
up to number three Robby the Robot
something of a movie star himself was
Robby he premiered in 1956 alongside
Leslie Nielsen in the epic Forbidden
Planet he went on to many more
appearances including the twilight zone
Colombo Mork & Mindy Charmin commercials
and star wars episode 1 the Phantom
Menace geek points for knowing where he
appeared in Star Wars fighting in at
number two Johnny 5 officially his name
is strategic artificially intelligent
nuclear transport number 5 after a
lightning strike hungry for input he was
saved by Stephanie yet doomed to be
hunted by el debarge's who's Johnny for
the rest of his days
who could possibly beat Johnny Five
before we get to number one here's the
rest of the top 10 movie robots now
remember some robots like Rosie from the
Jetsons are more TV than movie so maybe
another list will be in order all right
let's get to our number one the coolest
movie robot based on your opinions on
Twitter as well as our board of
impartial judges at number one it's r2d2
how can you not have r2 at number one in
fact it almost has to be a pair here
because we all know our two is not half
as cool without his pal c-3po the little
astromech droid has a strange
relationship to darth vader but he's
always there to mouth off disobey and
save the day plus I had a remote-control
r2d2 as a kid so he wins thanks to
everyone on Twitter and Facebook who
posted their suggestions for the list we
had more than 50 robots suggested some
I'd totally forgotten about her never
even knew in the first place I'm gonna
post the full list of those robots at
our blog blog sina TV calm and you can
make further suggestions there if you
wish that's it for this edition of seen
that top five I'm Tom Merritt see you
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