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CNET Top 5 - Favorite Top 5 videos

in the three years I've been hosting seen at top five some of the most popular episodes have been the most boring too right actually not much you can do to jazz up a list of Android phones likewise my favorite episodes personally rarely got the love they deserve so as I say goodbye to my time here at cnet I'm leaving with my personal list of my top five top fives starting off at number five top five signs Tech has made you dumb how ironic that the widespread use of smartphones has seemingly lowered our collective intelligence take the thing away I can't spell I can't find my way around and i can't remember anyone's phone number and you just wait until we have smart homes and real smart cars our children will be idiots it's probably what our parents said about us at number four the top five sci-fi inventions you really don't want clumsy title sunk this one but I still stand by the concept can you imagine what the world would be like if any moron could just buy a working lightsaber at walmart you bloodbath I'll select this video because I got to call the Star Trek holodeck an interactive masturbatorium so someone let my parents know that English toffee wasn't for nothing at number three the top five worst things about Facebook the irony of smartphones making a stupid wasn't bad enough he's seen how much this one social network turn us into a bunch of voyeuristic self-absorbed shut-ins my video felt less like a top 5 and more like a public service announcement but it was cathartic and it did well on Facebook number two on my list of favorite top fives top five phones with the highest radiation now this one sounds like it would be a PSA but it was really just a solid platform for jokes about phones of radiating your junk I'm not sure what the tolerable limit is for gonna add jokes but I'm pretty sure this video set the bar so let that be my legacy better yet if I can leave you with just one top 5 video that really came from the deepest depths of my nerd heart at number one top 5 ways to watch Star Wars especially relevant this year now that we're building up to Episode seven I've got five different movie viewing order strategies for the original trilogy and the prequels so if you're thinking about starting your movie marathon with the godforsaken episode one please take a minute to view this video quite possibly the pinnacle achievement of my eight years here at seen it so there you go my five most beloved top fives it's been a fun ride and I want to give a huge thanks to my producer Sarah Harvin without whom this show just wouldn't have been funny at all and a tip of the hat to Brian Cooley and Tom Merritt the master craftsman of shows about lists of five things my friend Ayad Akhtar will be taking over the show so I leave you in good hands and you can keep up with me on Twitter I'm at Donald and as always thanks for watching you
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