when the company has as many successful
products as Google you get the
impression that everything they touch
turns to gold
well it doesn't I'm Donna Bell and in
this episode the top five we're gonna
take a quick look back at some Google
products that didn't live up to their
expectation number five harkens back to
an era when the internet was crazy about
Second Life Google wasn't gonna get left
behind so they made this they called it
lively and the reason you've never heard
of it it's because Google pulled the
plug after just six months at number
four google buzz aside from the fact
that no one knew why they needed
Google's awkward social network it was a
privacy nightmare right out of the gate
one I've seen its most popular articles
on Google Buzz was how to turn it off
number three is gonna get me some hate
mail but I'm giving it to Google's
Android 3 tablet OS honeycomb it was
supposed to be Google's iPad killer but
it took almost a year before it ran on a
tablet that wasn't clunky overpriced or
wrapped in a two-year contract at that
point Android app developers were
already pinning their hopes on Android
for at number two Google Wave Google
took everything they did well email
instant messaging collaboration and they
built a glorious mashup that couldn't
fail but it did really failed this thing
still gives me headaches just looking at
it they should have named a Google
Titanic now before we get to our number
one Google flop and before you start
feeling too bad for Google let's take a
look at a few of the hundreds of crazy
successful Google products that you
probably use every day a company like
this can afford to fail a few times but
I'm sure that this number one still
burns a bit Google TV you have to admire
the stones it took to launch this
without nailing down the major content
deals ahead of time and poor Logitech
their reward from making Google's
set-top box was about a hundred million
dollars in lost profits all right that
does it for this top 5 for more videos
like these head over to top-5 cnet.com
or just google it I'm Tom Bell thanks
for watching
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