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CNET Top 5 - Hottest tech products (Winter 2013)

winter is always a tough season for tech it's kind of like a post holiday hangover where most manufacturers just sort of hang back maybe live out a phone or two but in spite of that you guys are coming to Cena in droves right now got me wondering what you're looking at Donald Bell and this top-5 I'll be counting down the hottest new products on CNET whose pages went live between December and March starting off at number five so many PlayStation 4 now this one I understand Sony's next-generation console is really the first major tech announcement we've had so far in 2013 it's also the first shot fired and what will be an epic war against Microsoft in fact I kind of wondered why the ps4 wasn't taking the number one spot until I remembered that no one really knows what it looks like yet or how much it costs or when it will ship all we know is that there's an updated game controller and some new specs considering that coming at number five isn't too shabby I'm number four Microsoft Office 2013 now I wasn't sure whether or not to include software and a product roundup but I think it's too interesting to leave out these lists are always dominated by phones and tablets and TVs here's a Productivity software suite breaking into the top five most viewed pages on SEANET it's kind of unheard of but I guess when a company like Microsoft we invents the operating system and their bread and butter software everyone wants to see if they pulled it off or fell on their face it looks pretty good to me but you guys have some very strong very divided opinions on this one we returned to normal with number three HTC One as in HTC's one last chance to take some share back from Samsung now this is HTC's flagship Android phone it's due out in March and there's a lot of pressure here for the company to deliver a big hit so just like office 2013 all of you are stopping by and giving this thing a sniff it does look gorgeous and it's a fast phone there's also a lot of custom software on here maybe they'll nail it maybe not speaking of underdogs check out number two the blackberry z10 and I'm not sure if this list says more about you guys or the state of the industry but every one of these products so far feels like a Hail Mary pass from a company that desperately needs a win but the z10 in particular feels like that perfect meeting of longshot product and a fanatical expectant audience honestly it seems like a pretty great phone but the stink on blackberry right now is enough to knock you down now before we get to the number one hottest product on CNET right now let's take a look back at our most popular products for last fall now this is a very different list and now that the iPad Mini in the iPhone 5 or old news I can safely say that this list has no Apple products on it whatsoever kind of refreshing isn't it so that leaves us with number one our number one hot product for winter the Microsoft Surface pro boom that's two for Microsoft maybe they're really turning the ship around now the surface RT was a good shot at the iPad crowd but those of you looking for a full fledged Windows laptop replacement you want the surface pro now it has its drawbacks especially when it comes to storage capacity but overall it's a pretty cool little machine so there you go a snapshot of new products that you guys have been checking out the most over the past few months now I'll be back again next week with another top 5 but until then you can catch up over top-5 I'm Donnell Bell thanks for watching you
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