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CNET Top 5 - Most anticipated gadgets of 2013

hey everybody and welcome to CNET top five I'm Donnell Bell I just got back from a fairly underwhelming week at the Consumer Electronics Show CES I mean I saw some beautiful TVs that cost more than my car I played with the helicopter that you can control with your mind and I ate with a Bluetooth Fork plenty of cool stuff but nothing that's really going on my 2013 shopping list fortunately there are plenty of products expected this year that are worth getting excited about here are my top 5 picks that will keep 2013 interesting starting off at number 5 Google glass Google's augmented reality glasses are expected to hit software developers early this year and with any luck early adopters will have something to buy before the year is done I mean if you think you're addicted to the Internet now just wait until Facebook is literally on your face even if this thing is a dud it's gonna make for an interesting year at number four an iPad Mini with a Retina display it's a pretty safe bet the Apple will refresh their iPad Mini in this year by giving it a higher resolution screen the competition is 7 inch tablets right now is fierce and if Apple wants to keep their tablet lead they really need to make that iPad Mini something to shout about but maybe they were too busy thinking about number three the Apple HDTV now the rumors on this all-in-one Apple TV have been tossed around for years now but there are a number of signs pointing to a 2013 release the TV manufacturer is busy dialing an Ultra HD and oh le D TVs this would be the perfect time for Apple to disrupt the market with their own take on things whether you actually buy it or not is another question but more exciting than that and probably more affordable is number two the Sony Playstation 4 now the PlayStation 3 has been with us since 2006 and even though Sony has slimmed it down a bit is still due for a serious overhaul the rumors are picking this as a quad-core machine with a 1 gigahertz graphics card whatever it is if it's going to maintain Sony's lead with hardcore gaming for the next 7 years you can bet that Sony's gonna throw in everything they've got now before we get to number one let me prepare you for the most annoying gadget of 2013 the iPhone 5s or whatever this year's iPhone is going to be called historically this is Apple's off year for the iPhone so just like the 3GS of the 4s this year's iPhone is probably going to look just like the iPhone 5 but with some slightly improved specs in spite of that it will receive more hype than last year's Mayan apocalypse so brace yourself also take some comfort in the gadget that will probably be at the top of every family's holiday wish list for this year at number one the xbox 720 yes folks the game console wars of 2013 will be epic Xbox 360 is currently the number one selling console worldwide and the next generation is bound to be a big deal we're also expecting a new generation of Kinect to go with it that can track up to four people as they all accidentally destroy your living room so those are the top five technologies I'm looking forward to in 2013 if you have one to add to the list or if you take an issue with how I rank them head over to top 5 and leave me a comment or flamey directly over on twitter i'm donald bell thanks for watching
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