Android tablets have come a long way
since the dark days the Dell Streak in
Motorola Xoom the hardware has gotten
cheaper and better and most of all the
apps are way better in fact I can think
of five apps right now the absolutely
rock on any Android tablet out there so
here you go five tablet optimized apps
that will make Android owners proud
starting off at number five SwiftKey
almost every major manufacturer uses
some type of custom keyboard software on
their tablet probably because the
default Android keyboard is just kind of
so-so but nearly everyone agrees that
the coolest keyboard in all the land is
Swift key they have a version made
specifically for tablets it does
predictive text like it's reading your
mind it's the only app on this list that
costs money but it's four dollars well
spent at number four Google Drive this
is one of those indispensable apps that
Google makes but doesn't include by
default at least not yet
no one does the cloud better than Google
you can store your Google Docs here your
photos videos presentations all your
stuff perfectly synchronized between
your desktop and your mobile devices now
Dropbox is a great option too but if
you've gone Android you may as well just
keep it in the family unless of course
it comes to ebooks at number three
Amazon Kindle let's face it Amazon still
dominates when it comes to ebooks and
their Kindle software is the gold
standard for mobile eReader apps Google
ebooks is fine but nobody can put your
books in more places than Amazon works
of Android iPhone iPad and even on that
Kindle e-reader you have tucked away
somewhere tablets are a great device for
reading and having an Amazon elibrary at
your fingertips seem so obvious that it
should be a basic human right speaking
of reading coming in at number 2
Flipboard not only has the tablet
replaced the book and the laptop but
it's also replaced the newspaper how can
the New York Times compete with an
always updated always available endless
newspaper that knows who you are what
your friends are talking about and
what's trending this minute on Twitter
plus the Android Flipboard app just
looks great on a tablet but if it
doesn't feel Google enough for you seen
an associate editor Jay mark a BB
legally which pulls in your Google
Reader feeds while they still exist all
right and now for the number one
must-have Android tablet app
I know it's predictable but just be glad
I'm not saying Angry Birds it's Netflix
seriously if for nothing else in those
times when your wife husband girlfriend
boyfriend mother father brother sister
or child want to watch something awful
on TV a tablet with Netflix on it and a
pair of headphones is like a high-tech
glue that holds families together really
is there nothing more disappointing than
picking up a tablet and finding that
Netflix isn't on there so that's it five
apps that really should just come built
into your Android tablet you don't
already have one checkout scene that's
current list of the best Android tablets
out there and more top fives like this
top five vonabell thanks for
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