the iPad it flat-out
dominates the tablet market as we speak
with something around 80 percent market
share but just as Android phones pulled
up neck and neck with the iPhone Android
tablets could do the same
I'm Brian Cooley with top five ways but
that could happen according to
developers who write tablet apps number
five new places to buy apps iPad is of
course tied to the iTunes Store but the
IDC research with developers says that
while it's the biggest not everyone
thinks it's the best you see developers
like freedom almost as much as they like
beer so steve-o's parental ways in the
iTunes Store have them always seeking
looser ground developers would also like
to have multiple app stores for any
given tablet like Amazon and Android
Marketplace and many others the number
four way developers tell IDC research
that Android can beat Apple in the
tablet game is the honeycomb OS out of a
secret weapon this is that new version
of Android specifically built for
tablets it debuts first on the Motorola
Xoom which was seen that's best of CES
award winner for 2011 and for the first
time it will give us an Android flavor
that really stretches out and rocks a
larger screen plus support for
multi-core processors built-in
management tools for business customers
- that could also fuel a lot of sales
number three more bells and whistles
let's face it
Apple has the knack of giving you less
and convincing you it's more don't how
they do that but things like cameras
expansion ports different sizes 4G oh
yeah and flash support so you can
actually use the web those might all
print with consumers in ways that the
iPad doesn't and may never do
number two developers say control
fragmentation this is kind of under the
hood but it's key you see there are many
flavors of Android at any given time
you've gotta be seen all these 2.1 2.2
2.3 honeycomb is 3.0 they're all out
there in the wild competing for consumer
attention then add the various skins
that hardware makers put over and Roy
to make a look like their own deal now
you got a serious threat of confusing
people to death and getting them to
flock back to the land of simple Steve's
house before we get to our number one
way that Android tablets could beat the
iPad here are five of the most
anticipated Android tablets that are
either on the way or on the market for
2011 as we speak kind of a formidable
onslaught wouldn't you say
okay the number one way developers think
that Android tablets can outshine the
iPad is be cheaper that's right
this is Apple's Achilles heel their
stuffs expensive and a lot of folks like
cheaper imagine that the iPad starts at
500 goes up to about 8:30 that's a
month's net pay for a lot of people
they're not gonna be running around with
an iPad Android tablets will be in heavy
price competition both between the
makers of some what 80 or 90 models that
are coming on market as well as between
the retailers will have the flexibility
to discount them unlike Apple products
now of course stay on top of all the new
Android tablets that are coming out we
covered them obsessively on and
for more top fives like this one go to
top-5 i'm brian coulis thanks
for watching
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