the iPad or new iPad well third iPad
whatever you want to call it is the
top-selling single tablet model out
there you know that it's ahead by a big
margin but you might be surprised to
know that some estimates are that Apple
could be down to less than 70 percent of
the market by the end of this year so
who's got that other 30% or so
I'm Brian Cooley here to show you the
top five tablets you should consider
instead of an iPad or new iPad or iPad 3
uh come on let's just go number five the
asou iPad memo goofy name but that's
okay it's cheap two hundred and fifty
bucks for a seven-inch tablet that one
our best of CES Award for that category
just a few months ago not out just yet
so we can't slot it by its review score
but it makes the list on price alone and
the fact that it's a cousin of the
transformer prime which we'll meet later
this guy has a Tegra 3 CPU 12 megapixel
rear camera and the latest Android Ice
Cream Sandwich makes us wonder if the
price is a typo number four the Amazon
Kindle Fire that's right number four
it's missing a lot of stuff no cameras
no GPS no microphone doesn't make it a
bad tablet because hello 200 bucks and
it's the only tablet that is wired into
Amazon's DNA and that keeps it real
interesting but I can't wait for fire to
point out number three the Sony Tablet S
that's right Sony actually makes
something interesting aside from the ps3
great design on this guy a little goofy
at first but then you get your hands on
it and oh yeah nice ergonomics it's also
tied in to Sony's burgeoning content
ecosystem and it's got an integrated
infrared remote now think about that
most of us sit in front of the TV with a
tablet these days uh-huh makes a little
bit of sense 400 bucks for a 16 gig
model number - this was a tough fight up
against the Sony but we gave the
runner-up nod here to the Samsung Galaxy
Tab family the 10 one the eight nine the
seven seven there's one for every pocket
and purse great screens across the board
on the whole model line they excel at
being thin and light and say
seung-ah's steadily building real market
share against Apple so you can feel like
you're buying more than just a future
collectible prices vary a lot by size
and whether you buy one on carrier
contract or not
okay our number 1 slot goes to the
tablet that geeks asked me about the
most the assist transformer prime but in
this case the new one the TF 700 T you
know the one that just came out about a
month after the original transformer
prime ah well get your ass onto eBay so
the one you have and get this TF 700 T
because it's got a much improved screen
1900 by 1200 res on that 10 inch display
HD front camera for hi-def video chat
and a new back panel that a soos says
will improve the Wi-Fi Bluetooth and GPS
performance rolls out q2 of 2012 with
Ice Cream Sandwich for 600 bucks for 32
gig it goes without saying the tablet
market is cuckoo we probably just
reviewed three more models since I've
been standing here so you got to go
check out click on the tablets
link on the left to get the latest i'm
brian Cooley thanks for watching
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