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CNET Top 5 - iPhone 6 rumors

the Apple iPhone 6 some of you are already waiting in line for it but the sane among you are probably waiting for a little more information unfortunately Apple isn't saying anything Tim Cook hasn't even admitted that they're working on a new iPhone so that leaves us with the rumors Dom Bell and then this top five I'm counting down the five iPhone six rumors worth paying attention to starting off at number five new buttons hardly earth-shattering news but the mock-ups and leaked case designs we've seen so far I'll show a new oval design for the volume buttons and a power button that's moved from the top of the iPhone down to the side maybe you like it maybe you don't but it's gonna take a minute to get used to the new layout and number four a more expensive price rumor has it that Apple has been negotiating with carriers to raise the price of the iPhone by a hundred bucks sounds crazy but with the relative drought of compelling phones on the shelves right now Apple might be able to have the leverage to pull this off assuming that the carrier subsidy will eat up half of that price you might be just looking at about a $50 bump in your phone maybe not such a big deal but if you're hoping for a less expensive iPhone I wouldn't count on it coming in at number three a fall release the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is just around the corner but you won't be getting your hands on that new iPhone until the fall that's a fairly predictable strategy for Apple they've stuck to a september/october iPhone rollout since 2011 now some rumors say that the phone could be finished as early as August but Apple is in no position to rush I bet Tim Cook will stick to the script on this one at number two a bigger screen you know how Apple spent all that time last year convincing you that the current four inch screen size was the optimal size for the human hand and yet somehow in the meantime Samsung has unloaded millions of Galaxy phones without giving us customers carpal tunnel now Apple may keep a discounted iPhone 5 around to keep their small hand fans happy but expect a significant jump in screen size for the Apple iPhone 6 and that leaves us with the number one juiciest rumor for the iPhone 6 more models no not not those models though honestly a woman a tap product launch would be a refreshing change rumor is that there will be three distinct models of iPhone you're gonna get the reheated leftovers of the iPhone 5 as the entry-level model then a 4.7 inch iPhone 6 due out in the fall and then a 5.5 inch iPhone phablet early next year it seems unthinkable after all of Apple's type on the virtues of smaller phones but this 5.5 inch LCD panel keeps popping up an Apple supply chain now I'll be intrigued if this actually comes out I'll be even more curious to see if all you Galaxy Note fans can contain your smug feelings of superiority when this thing hits the market so there you go five of the most notable tantalizing rumors circulating about the iPhone 6 for even more rumors head over / - dash 6 if more top 5s from me top 5 I'm Donnell Bell thanks for watching
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