CNET UK Podcast - How the Samsung Galaxy Note got its pen - Ep. 412
CNET UK Podcast - How the Samsung Galaxy Note got its pen - Ep. 412
hello and welcome you're listening to
the scene at UK podcast this episode 412
for friday the 28 min of ember 2014
Samsung Galaxy Notes nearly came with an
S toothpick the Jurassic world trailer
is here and BTW is shopping for a mobile
network but when it's flush out on ee or
reunite with 0 2 i'm rich trinoma
joining me on a high tech on the studio
this week is jason jenkins hell no it's
just me it is it is it good to have you
back it's very nice to be here the Mayas
phones have changed they saw different
it's all go it's yeah it's all it's all
particularly high tech you don't cheat
eater cut your head in the quiz like
this week unfortunately well we all know
the same parts if I would I be win or
lose well that's trick as always we are
filling the podcast so you can see all
this and our videos on see it or slash seen it but for now
let's start with the knees
but it looks like we're about to start
another round of my favorite game okay
who owns what network right alright so
BTW is on the lookout for a mobile
network has confirmed that it's in talks
to buy 02 there are also reports of BT's
been approached by EE shareholders to
buy that company and the news comes a
few days after the boss of one of the
owners of EE orange that guy said that
the current ownership situation isn't
for the long term though he is French
they probably said it with a French
accent okay but you're not sent so it
looks like two of the big names are up
for sale with BT a possible buyer right
we think of this well i mean BTW
obviously wants to get back into the
mobile game they they have everything
else so not they've got broadband
they've got landlines they've got TV so
if they get mobile as well then there
are quad play player and then they have
a whole convergent convergent offering
is what they call in the industrial and
i was pretty special right it contained
all the necessary buzzwords it's making
a pig you were using exactly exactly
yeah so they kind of want to round out
what their kind of their telecom
strategy i guess and mobile net we could
do yeah well I'm beer BTW used to have a
mobile phone network back in the day bt
cellnet which it's sold to what became
02 and Telefonica resentment which is a
massive spanish company and that's kind
of indicate that it's sort of bad enough
i think of yeah I've 02 which is sort of
doing okay but not not growing as much
as it wants to so um I know maybe I
suppose a big danger here is that maybe
we end up with everything kind of
concentrated in a very small number of
owners like it is in the US so that
means high prices ultimately for
everyone the kind of fewer owners the
less competition there is so there are
less incentive there is to lower prices
otherwise I don't know how much will
notice absolutely yeah i mean it is
quite competitive market new UK isn't it
so we asked some of our readers and Mark
Alexander says BTW schools just put not
point 5 stars out of possible 10 on
trustpilot making one most despised
companies in the UK let's hope 02
escapes don't see la king david charles
Struve says if owed to moves back under
the t's umbrella I'm moving out
is not a not keen on the idea Ryan plant
says please don't buy 02 BTW will ruin
the reputation of the company and will
increase prices and tony gallant says by
E and make it less crap please so there
you go it's not not a lot of massive
voter confidence for VT her behavior but
you know they're all rubbish really on
them they are just as bad as each other
really in many ways hmm okay what else
has been going on well Cena has an
exclusive interview and career with
taemin row which i'm ninety-nine percent
sure is not how you say is that okay but
anyway he's the samsung vice president
for product strategy and innovation and
he's been talking about how the company
came up with the notes okay the Galaxy
Notes there the big one the massive one
with the stylus phablet the phablet the
very first phablet hmm he was saying
that the prototype looked more like a
journal and it was wider but can you
imagine a wider Samson really so
obviously that was one of the prototypes
they came up with an EU members that
there was a heated discussion regarding
the first version all about the pen so
should the pen be embedded inside the
device or should it be separate
originally they had a proper pain like a
normal pen size again right he held up
to Jessica dual-core who was the one who
interview this chap and they obviously
there's no way putting out inside the
phone so they were thinking what do we
do with it yeah they had an idea of
magnet's magnetic was one idea also
another idea is to kind of attach the
pen to the cover somehow and not in the
device so and then another idea was to
go to complete the opposite way and to
have have a miniature style pen so it's
more like a toothpick okay as Tyler's
right and they took about a year to
figure out how to wear the whole thing
work and they had to miniaturize some
elements and the hard ones start to make
room for the pen that goes inside the
note if you go music or there's a little
oh it goes inside yeah and so that's a
factor all that in so do people actually
use the stylus is the question well yeah
I mean what work absolutely yeah i mean
its cards bit of a gamble real isn't it
because we hadn't seen at us or tablet
that small or iphone that big before but
Sir and the Pens bit different so when
we asked the public and Maria said TJ
Bennett says I have a note and never use
the pen except for a couple of things in
all honestly though I think I would
definitely use it more if the pen was on
the left side and not the right so after
a year of working out there
hey they haven't been in the right place
for everybody if you could turn it
upside down possibly yeah that's
Juliette something as rubbish Harold
Mansfield says I use it at least once a
day all your tech devices how many of
them do you use one hundred percent of
everything they do my TV is at least 20
apps on it that i never use it she was
very often stop me from behind the TV
zanya Gonzalez says I use mine all the
time I like drawing and so does might
also and on a similar note Alexander
says my aunt who's in her late 60's use
it to slowly send text messages hi the
pillow we see how has uses fur fur at
for lots of people so that's like it's a
proper swiss army knife product is need
a sort of everything and the point of is
they put every single feature you they
think you must be one who and I person
find that a nightmare like Irish awful
overwhelming horrible thing but it's got
lots of fans and they've sold many many
of them so it's that's the thing isn't
it it's not everyone has the same views
and everything yeah well what else is we
going well you remember Jurassic Park
one yes and two yep and three not root
not so much but yeah well number four is
on its way next year and that trailer
has just been released it's called
Jurassic world yeah and the plot is set
22 years after the events of the first
film where the concepts of a fully
functioning dinosaur theme park has been
fully realized and the idea is is I've
been open and everyone's totally over it
already okay yeah dinosaurs so what yeah
and then of course the screaming starts
yeah so what does everyone think of this
trainer uh well i mean i don't know i
wasn't sure if i wasn't particularly up
aquino myself it's a we've had some
readers talk about it was 0 1 87 says I
like the idea of the intelligent
dinosaur because what the movies about
is they've kind of a they bred at their
own kind of made up dinosaur instead of
instead of the ones actually existed he
says they're all made up well they're
all they're all dinosaurs are kind of a
knife on me they've made of what is
here's a thigh bone we think it means it
looks like this but it's quite a lot of
imagination involved yes to not to kind
of little the sides too much it was so
yeah this is the thing that this these
ones got lasers on the head or something
I don't know he say a funk flash says it
just won't be the same without the
computer programming nerd getting eaten
I hope he's back for round two so ya
know if we could look forward to some
nerds getting and
n double one says they could have went
in a completely different direction with
this one but they didn't I could be
wrong but it seems to be a rehash of one
of the older films and i agree with with
NN double one there the trailer doesn't
really have considering its 22 years
later the trailer doesn't really seem to
have anything that that could new
compared to the the first films when
there which were absolutely gobsmacking
and jaw-dropping because they had no
pioneering CGI but having said that the
the director colin trevorrow i believe
his name is he directed safety not
guaranteed I loved on film it's great it
right film yeah check that on netflix of
yeah absolutely haven't seen that yeah
definitely real treat so they go oh I
thought look pretty scary actually yeah
I but then I'm probably easily scared
and you know if they're remaking the
first three what's wrong with that
really does joke it's kind of the same
again hmm but III should thought this
special effects look relatively ropey
now because you know I'm yeah we'll see
yeah it's just the trailer anyway
speaking of scary things rich some
there's a story about the post office
which is a scary place for me anyway
that's that's right yeah well the post
office is now don't deal with Amazon so
when you are all your stuff from Amazon
if you if it's too big to go through
your letterbox or you can't be at home
to collect it or you need to send
something else somewhere else maybe need
to maybe you're at work and you wanna go
get in your lunch break you can have it
sent to the post office which is produce
for which means that there are ten
thousand five hundred post office
branches where you carry amazon order
sent to and that's on top of all the
other news agents and amazon lockers at
alluring train stations and that kind of
thing shopping centers and other
collect+ stores so you've got a lot more
choices of places basically go and get
your amazon order which is a pretty
handy just in time for christmas as well
and they came out the post office was
saying the dish before this was
announced maybe a few weeks ago and
their financials that they are suffering
because amazon had pulls a lot of their
business right basically start up their
own courier company so yeah also if I
oração from amazon always gets
delivered by amazon logistics which is
literally just some guy in a car if you
have three if you have three items
arriving in one day get three different
cars or i think right yeah it mean it
must be they must be paying them next to
nothing yeah it's like the least
professional every operation I've ever
seen having said that everything's
turned up so what more do you want
that's those two suppose they they
probably use
bit leverage I would imagine because I
don't think they want to do this for
some time yeah sure so I feel it was set
on comments what have any better do this
rages because you just get a note
through the door saying go and pick up
your parcel hmm but that's not from the
post office yeah you've gotta go to home
depot yeah which is although we think of
it as the same business actually they're
different different businesses have been
for many years okay that's actually also
is further away usually your local deco
yeah take it for the post i was pretty
good i mean you could always just go buy
it from a shop I try to keep the high
street hey heresy unbeliev oh I'm just
as bad as everyone you know I wish I
wasn't some addicted to Amazon but
that's why everything for me cuz they're
so easy and it's not very expensive mmm
absolutely yeah yeah um well so what's
gonna talking a villainous honest okay
um that doesn't work at all but anyway a
german inventor has made a real-life
laser like the one a real-life later
watch rather like the one in James Bond
okay yep Patrick priebe but probably not
how you say his name either i've just
got lots of foreigners names that i
can't say anyway this guy he runs a
company called laser gadgets which
custom make all kinds of craziness this
particular one is a digital watch that
shoots a bright blue laser out at the
end don't go in your hand when you push
a button and there's a lovely YouTube
video of it popping balloons cutting
through plastic and igniting matches it
took in 50 hours to complete costume
about two hundred dollars in parts and
he warms that the beams capable of
burning through your skin well and says
that it's not exactly a toy not that I
know handy for escaping from prison
cells or other other tight corners I
might possibly yeah if you want him if
you want one you can ask him to make it
for you okay come yeah he might do he
might not it spends we gonna use it for
if you're gonna use it for espionage
then I think you're okay you're in the
clear you have ye says you have to as
always when handing lasers you have to
wear a protective eyewear right so what
did you always does yeah it's on the
screen now actually is really really you
can just get a sense from the YouTube
video chat how bright that laser it that
is pretty bad yeah he's firing at the
Mummy's firing at a stick of a line of
four matches and he's just put on the
the his glasses on to the camera so you
can see what he sees hmm and it's
actually making it such burning the wall
behind the matters when he can't quite
hit it properly it looks super powerful
isn't it's kind of cool there's god no i
mean this so this is like the laser
watching golden eye but call me back
when some other James Bond films have
had watches that have a mini printer a
powerful magnet a lot TV screen a remote
control for explosives or a grappling
hook they all sound like things that
Samsung's making the samsung galaxy
print yeah samsung galaxy grand many
print and it goes to get a cat yeah it
delivers your instructions for the day
that's exactly what it sounds like yeah
I'd love to see that definitely come
alright then well that's enough for the
knees let's see what you get the cut you
guys have been saying this week's
right let's see what you guys have been
saying so Phillip Thompson heads our
first question he says windows 10 is
looking like it might be a really good
OS what are your thoughts on it do you
think this might be one of the last big
releases of windows like some of the
other tech media seem to be thinking so
what do you think Windows 10 well well
well well they say it seems pretty good
they're bringing back the start button
in a way that I improve of throws the
one there which I just can't get I can't
get my head round windows 8 really and
it seems like to be honest it seems like
classic Microsoft oh there's oh the
other good thing is that this is one
version of potentially good thing
there's one version of windows for all
the platform so the same for the phone
same for a tablet same for computer hmm
sounds like a good idea but I don't if
it's going to work if it means that you
know you can get one app and you works
cause everything then potentially yeah
potentially although like as Apple found
that a problem really no that's true but
you know anyway it sounds interesting be
it does feel like classic Microsoft in
that it is the perfect solution for like
two years ago problem okay so by the
time it comes out let's say is brilliant
hmm and then it comes at is coming out
next year i think is it i think i think
anyway it's a couple of years really
before most people would be able to
really experience this that state i
don't know what the computing markets
can look like sure as usually it's kind
of very late to the game and even like
Windows Phone was pretty good when it
first came out but you're like hang on a
minute we've already got iPhones got
android phones do we need another one
again is it's that sort of thing so it's
not that it's necessarily good or bad it
may just be quite late yeah then you
know on the flipside lots of businesses
have an upgraded windows have still got
windows XP in many cases of windows
seven so maybe there's a huge market
there from it you know fairly cheap
corporate machines that are crying out
for another version of Windows
particular couple years time yeah yeah
maybe okay fair enough yep so a
Microsoft is getting a supertanker
they're having to catch up with things
where they go and eat amata says for
questions so bear with me for questions
okay question number one do you think
sony has decided not to renew its
eight-year 180 million pound sponsorship
deal with fifa the football ruling body
because they really care about the
corruption allegations
fifa or because they really need to cut
costs good question yeah this is a good
question wouldn't we like to know the
answers like obviously we're not party
tiw highlighting there's no wait there's
no way for us to know I haven't see
anything I've not seen any evidence that
they have they've cut the sponsorship
because of that reason maybe it played
into it by mean it's true to say they do
need to cut costs yeah a lot definitely
so I mean maybe both these things have
come together I mean they're there latex
financials are pretty bad they again the
comma many how many quarters in a row
they've had to report phase appointing
numbers strange smartphones is actually
doing quite badly for them of course ago
they were like Ray smartphones is going
to save everything another like boo
we've got it wrong we made too many
models of the ones that don't want to
make a bit of a right quite good though
the experience the X there isn't yeah I
can't like a Microsoft issue but nothing
really wrong with it really good but
people just buy all the stuff is too
many other things that are really good
and TVs and phones are kind of what
they're writing down a lot and they're
building up PlayStation division and the
content division my movies and TV that's
not looking really focusing on and I
guess I just thought this was just an
expense they didn't need yeah yeah it
probably they probably thought when they
thought you know this is a bit
controversial well that makes that
decision quite easy to get rid of it
yeah maybe and of course but we don't
know how long they've we're not parted
out when they actually made this
decision they may have just announced it
but this could have been in the works
for a year or more yo nose really that's
Jan speaking of the content division of
making film Sony is the new owner than
you back of this steve jobs movie oh
yeah so yeah there's director by Danny
Boyle written by aaron sorkin
potentially sorry Michael Fassbender is
steve jobs and they've just bought it
from universal oh and that was the one
that did have all other because of
people who was attached to that before
it was Christian Bale so I just get me
around they've sold it to you they sold
it t to universal yeah yeah anyway you
know what else deleting Breaking Bad and
spider-man spider-man do you know what
we need yeah isn't feel about how
spider-man became spider I've always
wondered about have always wanted and
also how did Batman become Batman so
much it's really nice that what's them
to become back the great thing about
spider-man is because it's the one comic
book pro property that they own that
Sony owns is that they're making so many
spin-offs of it and there aren't
many characters in it they're making
spin-off the spidermans granddad that
makes it was Spider Woman spider dog
it's terrible but I'd a dog now I would
pay to see that that sounds better than
Jurassic world although probably not
scary yeah as a question to files only
gotten two questions to question do you
think Google will eventually stop making
Nexus devices once they've got a product
in each size so from like the next five
which is five inches up to the seven
eight nine cited size ones are the
tablets or will they remain in the
marketplace showing other manufacturers
how it should mostly be done yeah yeah I
mean the thing is they kind of why they
make the next is they do it to promote
Android I guess they want to have a
device that has pure android on it so
when a new version comes out like
lollipop there's a device that has
straight up you know pure android on it
and so yeah yeah why else I don't know I
don't understand why they bother now I
know why they bothered originally
because they were pretty dissatisfied
with what the people like Samsung HTC
whoever it'll break the satisfied with
all that stuff and what it was turning
out like and they were also customizing
and Android in whether they weren't very
happy with first I had to make a phone
to kind of test android on internally
and so many people who thought why not
release this phone that kind of made
sense then now I don't know then I even
that cheap now because they don't want
to annoy the the people like Samsung and
HTC you undercut their own kind of we
were making chana in the device is any
of their android stuff and yeah they're
making son i don't i don't really
understand it mmm anymore yeah google
who knows who knows what they're
thinking actually a lot of people had
problems buying that you come which one
it was the new Nexus 6 probably yes I
need some stock issues without ya know
even just that the process of going on
google play and add it to your basket
and then you press check out any when we
like always gone and then it would pop
up again and if that they're not really
a consumer so they're not like a shot
they're not very good at that stuff they
need to be there just like a amazing
search engine yeah so yeah it seems like
a weird one like so many of those extra
things they do you like why are they
going to space either that's a bit of a
hobby yeah yeah it knows the father I
suppose yeah when you're making that
much money why not very nice post last
we should make a printer this is leading
its questions re recommendations for a
while sprinter for under hundred pounds
we don't leave them specific but we can
point the right direction if you set
cnet for printer actually search through
a printer then the top hit will be best
printers now that does have us prices
but it's a good place to start so that's
that's our recommendation and finally
question for who are your own personal
favorite tech commentators being a
developer I keep an eye on what Scott
Hanselman is saying and your good selves
obviously well obviously I mean that
yeah I don't know there were any others
to be honest I thought that one of those
just how else do you need well quite
yeah exactly anyway cool well thank you
very much for all the feedback keep the
feedback coming by emailing us at our
email address seen at UK podcast at CBS
I com or on Facebook and Twitter alright
that's it for this week bit of a quick
one this week but they absolutely in out
Bosh job done more hasty absolutely well
thank you Jason thank you to opportunity
you won't ever see and we're off to
watch jurassic park again have a girl
see next week
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