CNET UK Podcast - Raspberry Pi comes with free Windows 10
CNET UK Podcast - Raspberry Pi comes with free Windows 10
hello and welcome you're listening to
the scene at UK podcast this is episode
forward and 24 Friday and sixth of
burberry 2015 Windows is coming to
raspberry pi over and Google could be
heading for a collision in the world of
self-driving cars and lost top secret
notes handwritten by Alan Turing himself
have been found in at the most
unexpected place I'm rich at home and
joining me in a high-tech down the
studio this week is luke westaway hello
hello good see you get to see two who
else is here no Andy no I'll deja this
week no Jason so we're going to keep it
fairly brisk that means there'll be no
quiz this week so I know many of you all
been on tender hooks yep tell the hooks
tender hooks and a bit of a tender hook
yeah you'll be up on a pedal stool with
your test a tender hook could be all
floppy I imagine rubbish anyway on that
night let's dive into the knees
yes so it's kick things off there is a
new version of Raspberry Pi this is very
exciting British news so it's the
well-known low-cost computer for
developers and kids learning how to code
and build computers and that kind of
thing that's right that you went soiling
you yes I did I went to I went to the
launch event yep they they gave us one
to take home nice I took it out the box
and marveled at how it looks like a cool
technical thing from the nineties and
now you've built a media center or a
small robot or a drone or a
unfortunately I lack the intelligence
and patience to really do anything with
it so now what I've done is I've got a
really cool project coming right sits on
my desk until people combine go always
that the new Raspberry Pi near yes it is
I go yeah what's it to you and then
eventually I'll / coffee mug down on top
of it and it'll break and so ends its
journey exciting though isn't it the old
raspberry pi 2 yeah it's really cool so
the raspberry pi 2 is a really
significant upgrade to the hardware so
you get a quad core processor now and
it's got one gigabyte or how much is
loads more memory than it had before and
that's probably it actually but one good
thing about everything else remaining
the same is all of the connectors on the
board so that USB in the hdmi ethernet
all that sort of stuff that's the same
number of ports and it's in the same
place so all of your current Raspberry
Pi projects your pie Jets if you will
are going to continue to be compatible
so it's backwards compatible so it'll
work with this existing stuff and should
be able to do like a software update on
you notice sort of like get the new one
up and running and so it's a good
existing project you've built you
already built something within the move
it with the original that run ya can
just check that out you've already
surrounded it into a robot teddy bear
that goes to space and plays a xylophone
made of coffee beans brilliant and this
is what this would be compatible with
that X and that's good tonight but and
one of the things has really got people
talking is that going to be windows for
it right windows tab that's exciting yes
that's right that was that was the most
definitely the most exciting news of the
day so it's going to be a version of
Windows 10 okay this that's raspberry pi
compatible sure so to slightly couch
that but it's also going to be free you
obviously free Windows 10 on Raspberry
Pi that sounds exciting it and it is
exciting and don't get me wrong really
because it's not not exciting yeah but
it's not quite what it sounds like
either so
rather than the sort of regular version
of Windows 10 that's G know that most
people will be buying and will come see
full-size version for ya they'll be
shipping on most laptops and that sort
of stuff this is going to be a version
of Windows 10 for Microsoft's developer
platform for IOT which is the Internet
of Things so it's a special skew if you
like of Windows tenders for tiny little
gadgets like the Raspberry Pi so there's
anything that's internet-connected that
isn't a computer basically is the
Internet of Things so yeah I like smart
home stuff and yeah thoughts and drones
and bits and barbells that that kind of
thing yeah so I mean it this may not be
like a sort of like the cheapest way of
getting like a proper Windows 10
computer or anything but if you are sort
of technically minded yeah that does
give you a lot of extra developers tools
to mess around with so might neat and
yes something that's kind of cool is
that when Evan Upton is the the inventor
of the Raspberry Pi was talking about it
he said previously the Raspberry Pi was
a really really powerful computer
bearing in mind the price now it's just
a really really powerful computer that
sort of is also really cheap coma so
yeah they're really they're definitely
bigging up the power increases thanks
I'm good stuff what do our readers have
to say about this read as listeners and
viewers oh those guys well dynamo
underscore Dave hey Dave say dynamo day
a that guy that guy says why would you
want to neuter this thing with windows
cutting well vkr I to says I'm not going
to be cynical about this I may be
completely wrong but I'd like to think
Microsoft wants to truly get involved
for altruistic reasons after all Bill
Gates does do a lot for philanthropy
that is true and if you google it need
not in charge of Microsoft anymore but
he does do a lot for vitamin Google
likewise has done quite a bit and I hope
they get into this game to anyone here
from Apple yeah I didn't think so say
what you will but as much as much a
thinker as Steve Jobs was he's no bill
gates in truly changing the world that's
I mean he's got a good point but I love
that taking a non sequitur oh yeah we
like we swerved off topic pretty
dramatically there but I don't
oh no I cuantas get accused and we
actually get accused of like changing
the subject Apple at the drop of the hat
but that's just fact that was that was
that was anything please be railing
there yeah and especially when Apple
hasn't done anything so like I notice
apples very quiet on the subject enough
everything you deserve every news story
it's like like an elephant born or
something in the zoo and it'd be like
don't hear Apple commenting on this do
you read faces all around in cupertino
I'd imagine so there you go so Raspberry
Pi it's excellent it's still excellent
no school it's on sale now it costs
about a little under 30 quid so you know
give it a go if you if you're keen okay
all right moving on also happening in
the UK Dixon's car phone which is the
company that owns coffin warehouse and
curries and pc world used to be Dixon's
because anymore they are starting their
own mobile network okay sorry you look
you were looking to be forever but like
wow sorry i dropped the ball i'm back on
back on the field okay well they're
starting an MVNO okay what's an MVNO
rich well Luke I'm glad you asked it
says here hold for applause a no piano
is a mobile virtual network operator
which basically means it's a company
that runs a network that it sounds like
it's their own network but in the actual
fact their own become the backend stuff
the infrastructure the mass the
technology the hardware that kind of
thing is handled by another actual phone
network sounds deceitful are there any
other companies already doing this well
I mean there's people that Tesco Mobile
this virgin media they're all MVNO so
but what it is is the term it's a
company that that has their own brand on
the front and then someone that Oh two
or three or e takes care of the back end
so nuts conceit for not that deceive a
little bit see what's going to happen
with this one the Dixons carphone one is
it's going to be it's gonna be three
handling the back end the mass name
structure that kind of thing we don't
yet words could be called it's probably
going to launch this year I think it's
this year maybe this year but they're
still being inside like you know what
it's going to be what's what form is
going to take that kind of thing but
it's it's it's yeah it's a another
change in the mobile market well I can't
wait to see which celebrity they get to
do the voices on the adverts that's true
that is a good point that's the most
important thing when you're starting now
they probably decided that bit ya get
that out of the way yeah who would you
get if you were starting a network who
would you want it's got to be a
recognizable voice not necessarily face
and you've got to be affordable well
Sean beans taken sorry
anyone elses what you've taken yeah Liam
leastly evasive course yeah let's go
recognizable voice Coakley voice yeah
yes yeah I need to say you know if you
don't pay your phone bill I will find
you yeah I'll find you at all yeah I'll
kill you sign up to our network don't
pay I'll get you exactly I definitely
sign up so you owe me no going on the
market moment yes there is and it feels
like there's there's a lot happening is
all it's all down to the BT guy buying
EE or Liz trying to buy EES pending
regulatory approval and that has thrown
the whole mobile market into crazy
upheavals so we've got the company that
owns three Hutchison one power and
buying 02 of trying to buy 02 pending
regulatory approval yeah we've also got
sky says that it's going to make its own
mobile network and now we've got Dixon's
car phone also throwing their hat in the
ring that's right yes weird just when
things have got all settled down and
nice and we all had 4g well I'm all nice
I'm cautiously optimistic about this
particular news the owner of the sort of
sky and Dixon's coming in and making
their own that there are no it's because
the new players will balance out the
fact that the other players the other
major networks like you say are
combining so BTW any combining that kind
of thing and 3 and 0 to be buddy so I'm
the is it that way around it's one of
those but yes I mean they said if the
market shrinks and has less there's less
network then you know there's less
competition and yet price-wise that's
not a good thing so so from our point of
view from the consumers point of view we
kind of we hope that there when new
players come in that does keep things
honest yeah we're keep that keep
everyone I'll tell you what remember
when tesco mobile launched and they had
some crazy deals yeah of stuff generally
yeah we were always writing about them
because like they're selling what for
how much it's likely um so and you know
that was an mvno comment but whose
network that we're on I stay over tues
but nothing that's possibly true yeah oh
it doesn't matter Gemma but um yeah so
I'm a little edgy as well then it's on
I'm testing that's right that's right
it's so hopefully a bit more of that
yeah cool absolutely speaking of mobile
phones on a lighter note this is viewers
of a sensitive disposition may wish to
look away now scizor
it is country terrible you know how
sometimes corporations will try and show
their human after all that they have a
human side and it all goes wrong because
they're not human exactly I think we the
best i think it's the case of show not
tell at HTC is basically dist apple and
samsung in a rap video wait for it so
mark if we could have a quick look at a
clip of this this is HTC recruiting a
rapper from p.m. dawn to rap about how
great the m8 is so we can have a clip of
this i think yeah yep your phone was all
glass why you changing too now you're
chipper slower but you'll never touch up
on Sam morning a few clouds to what we
originated we only universe your galaxy
is over rated I mean cuz i am not an
expert on rap music maybe it's an ok rap
but it's not it's not is it good it's
pretty bad this is i'm not sure if this
is as bad it's definitely up there with
the blackberry's on they did a few years
ago to remember that was kind of a
country rock corner yeah that was look
that one up if you if you if you can
face it you can keep Daniel if you
haven't eaten like this yeah what do I
mean hopefully fingers crossed this was
meant to be rubbish and they were hoping
they're going for the column inches but
what about what our readers and
listeners say about this readers and
listeners you care about them more than
you care about me we'll talk about it
later not we'll talk about it later it
is true es un intel says agree with the
comments others have posted on how
ridiculous this is but HTC should have
gone a step further they should have
backed a good cause and challenged Apple
and Samsung to a rap battle sort of like
the ALS ice bucket challenge is always
thinking of others is es un intelligence
you editor yeah do you think Apple would
rise to that challenge and create Apple
strangely silent on the rap battle
frontier oh yeah whatwhat's Apple said
nothing yeah notable buys abs in fear um
samsung probably would I probably think
and you know in ill-advised um speedy
says yet HTC can't update their phones
in the time they promised when I bought
the phone the MS yeah because all the
all the engineer yeah engineers whose
should have been working on the phone
have been producing this rap video plus
yeah you see the thing is BTW there's
only corporation
only have so much money exactly and what
they what they've done is they've taken
quite a lot of that money let's do and
instead of spending it on the updates
they've they've put it into a rap video
yeah so I mean maybe just watch the rap
video on your phone and and try and
enjoy that it makes sound business sense
when you think about it it does it's
just this is business 101 right here
this is busy yeah i mean this is this is
how alan sugar did it this is how
Richard Branson did it yes you know this
is how America does it's just how you
build an empire folks anyway speaking of
building empires google is taking on
uber and uber is taking on google so
this is it's a funny one so google is
said to be considering a ride-sharing
service which is what Luber already does
and uber is supposed to be considering
self-driving cars which is something
that Google already does so uber has has
announced they go putting some money
into in a new lab called uber advanced
technology center which a little bit
fascist actually and that's gonna be
located in Pittsburgh and they're going
to work with students and staff from the
Carnegie Mellon University to work on
self-driving cars and the boss of uber
Travis kalanick who is in no way a
pantomime villain what did he say while
twirling his moustache and he's learning
his cape around yeah he said well that
tyke someone to the train tracks he said
the reason uber could be expensive is
you're paying for the other dude in the
car he's talking about the driver there
when there is no other dude in the car
the cost of taking an uber anywhere is
cheaper which is obviously fantastic
news for the drivers yeah whom the
entire uber business is base so imagine
there have a very happy to hear this
news no totally absent ecstatic way to
throw your entire workforce under the
self-driving car tyranitar into the
train tracks exactly z and also on the
site on the flip flip flip side of that
google might be wanting to get into
taxis according to a report from
bloomberg is it how substantiated is
this is totally unsubstantiated it's
unsubstantiated so we don't know yeah
what's interesting though about that is
that obviously Google's kind of pouring
money into these self-driving cars
probably the most interesting thing that
Google's working on now and they really
captured the public's imagination so I
that rubbish or Google glass does
gone forever issue we talked about but
this could actually be a way for Google
to maybe make some money from those cars
exactly the network of taxis like
beetling around that aren't being joined
by anyone mmhmm yeah yeah that's a great
idea what I noticed Apple of course is
so straight yes I strangely silent tell
me there you go yep they bought another
about our readers there then also on
this one they're not silent at all osman
underscore shez says so cool i would
like a taxi service without a driver
that isn't constantly swearing coughing
watching porn or asking me questions
about why I look the way I do right um I
mean that sounds like that is good point
they sound like bad tactic experiences
um boarding California says it's scary
enough to contemplate riding a
self-driving car made by a tech giant
Google uber the notoriously ethically
challenged company that behaves like a
corporate version of a sociopath would I
trust my life with a product made by
that company hahahaha somebody must be
smoking too much that's GL uber doesn't
have the best reputation has got a
terrible reputation and um I one day is
that links to the terrible things that
it does I I think someone should have
drawn and link to that yeah yeah between
those two somewhere there's a detective
looking at a big cork board and he's got
a bread piece of thread interconnect
he's connecting those two photos lately
um anyway interesting times meanwhile on
the flip side of that as for the Google
getting into giving taxi ride saying not
biased just smart says I wonder if their
drivers will try to sell the passengers
conversations to advertisers to that's
very cutting I like it well Jeff max in
DC says wow just wow if this is true
Google but wait I think these being
sarcastic Oh Google can be the world's
finest purveyor of information on the
internet and there's no shortage of
improvements they can make in that
regard sure and yet they feel compelled
to screw around with concepts that have
nothing to do with their core business
or their inherent strengths just a
complete lack of focus that I find
utterly astounding that is to actually
those goods that is a good point yeah I
like Google with no focus remember when
done google yeah if on google hun
google's gone will you used to be cool
and I think it was Larry of the to
Google blokes and he was like we're
going to put more wood behind fewer
arrows I think was a quote and what
that's great what that meant was we're
gonna kill off like labs and one's fun
stuff he thinks he can install on your
gmail to make it do crazy stuff yeah
yeah I want my style is all going so
gone that is a shame well self-driving
cars they're the future perineal no we
won't need anyone when you taxi drivers
soon Alan Turing's lost notes survived
70 years stuffed in the walls of
Bletchley Park rich why don't you take
over well doing well I couldn't handle
the responsibility sets out to the plate
Mike let's get down to the plate and I
drop the ball so my sports metaphors are
all over the place so go picture the
scene England 1940 top secret military
base Bletchley Park mathematician Alan
Turing and his colleagues are hard at
work cracking codes ok a rhythmic
tapping noise fills the air isn't the
latest Morse code transmissions from
German High Command no it's their teeth
chattering because I a Bletchley Park it
was very very cold so they took to
stuffing the walls with waste paper
stuffing the holes in walls with waste
paper and I hoping the roofing insulate
the huts and what waste paper is lying
around in a secret military base secret
note this top secret no top secret night
say yes so even though they were
supposed to them destroy these nights
never seen we were you thinking about it
and they just grabbed some waste paper
and they stuffed into walls and it's now
been found or it is found in 2013 anyway
it's found come to years later they said
these notes that were found they were
come unscrambled and later you can see
how they were found in the roof there
and they've been unscrambling there in a
bit of a bad way but you can still make
out the kind of pencil and crayon
writing so this is a handwritten notes
by all cheering in his colleagues I mean
this doesn't mean anything to me it's
just an ocean of numbers and codes and
slashes and stuff absolutely and what's
interesting is that some of these notes
think they can't decipher they Veronica
Lee today's experts are looking at it
and some of them the licking I'm going
all this one hand write an example of
this particular type of system right and
others they go oh I have no idea what
that means which i think is best that's
amazing so yeah it's amazing we still
haven't cracked it yeah this is a pretty
cool you've you've been to a battery
pack of new there's quite a while ago
there was nothing yes I went a while ago
before is refurbished and I would like
to go back now it has been refurbished
it has a sort of well when I went at
least i would i would say it has like a
ramshackle sort of charm i love how
you're dancing around a zero yeah i'm
yeah i mean if well when i went if
you're expecting a kind of slick sort of
museum experience you don't kind of get
that is a bit so let me show you show
yourself around it kind of lots of
volunteers and stuff which is nice and
it is i think it's really good it's
really important that's been kept up
yeah it's quite lot of information about
pigeons as well pigeons role in the war
and and if you overlooked it often
overlooked this icing it criminally so
well i mean like i say it has been
refurbished it does it pretty cool we
have photo stories on the website so if
you if you can't get out too much about
yourself and you're interested in this
kind of period of history that check out
with a couple really good photo stories
that we hope you can have a virtual tour
is really interesting yeah exactly it's
real interesting a period of history and
most little bit we've arrived revival
and interest with the annotation game
coming out and that kind of thing I mean
if I'd known about this when I was there
I'd have had a look in the walls I
wonder what else would they be nice
that's good anyway on that night finally
we also want to talk a little bit about
Black Mirror another British success
story it feels but actually that's
something weird isn't it go from world
war two to a TV show you know what when
we were with the black merry christmas
special which which i watched and
afterwards I was just oh my goodness i
baited my whole career is in technology
and my my one of the bodies of sailing
technology yeah offer what off the edge
of a waterfall or something then and
then i watch the imitation game cinemas
like oh maybe computers are good i don't
i don't know anymore so i'm so confused
it is thanks to black mirror and
Bletchley Park yes I just don't know
niggas that's the crisis this is good
listeners tell us its technology good we
talk we don't know anymore help us help
us I mean it's certainly shiny it
certainly is no saying it's not shiny so
that what we're doing were here is by a
black mirror which so many of you may
have seen it's a british TV show created
by charlie brooker professional c'mon
shin misanthrope and sometimes
journalist and black mirror is the story
is kind of an anthology so it's like the
twilight zone it's a kind of modern-day
updating of that which tells you certain
ease kind of one-off stories about the
dark side of technology and how it kind
of how it feeds into the human frailties
and weaknesses that we that we all have
any way and the reason that this is kind
of come up again
that in December European on netflix in
the US and the Americans have gone gone
nuts for it they've got absolutely
absolutely cuckoo for it so yeah go
ahead and save dominoes and thus others
now to the point where there's actually
talk about a us remake so there you go I
mean you're in the u.s. reason Union yes
I was in the US for CES and I was
talking to loads of our esteemed cnet
colleagues and honestly loads of people
ask me about black mirror like i like i
haven't even seen all of it and i think
it's really good and i live in the
country where it's made but yeah
everyone wanted to talk about it so it
it's just it totally was a total kind of
phenomenon and I mean obviously you're
at a trade show that would have been a
bit of it yeah so you know yeah exactly
so the subject was no it's I mean I
actually watched it for the first time
relative reason I saw a couple episodes
when it was on but I kind of caught up
with all of them on over here and it's
great whatever we like about it each one
has this kind of like dystopian future
with this great kind of strong concept
and then kind of the Hollywood way of
doing it would be to tell this big story
about how everyone rises up and smashes
the system yeah I mean there's a
particular episode for example where
everybody has like memory implants where
they can record everything that they see
and then they can play about the things
they see oh yeah and the kind of the
Hollywood version of that I guess would
be to be like there was a murder and
they were investigating a murder using
that that kind of minority minority
approach but instead the story they
tells his very small story about them a
wife's infidelity and a husband's
jealousy about how the kind of that's
that that's a human frailty that already
exists but it's kind of fed into by the
technology there I'd only like they have
these very small thought it does mean
they're very very bleak because they'll
never get smashed in the head of Lee
bleak I mean that's what the shows speak
theme of the show isn't it how sort of
technology doesn't do anything to iron
out basic human failures hmm yeah
speaking of which actually if this a bit
of a tangent but if you are a fan of
black mirror and you there's obviously
no new episodes coming anytime soon but
you might wanna check out X macula the
movie that's at the moment alex garland
oh yeah film that's very similar it's
got a kind of like science fiction
high-concept have you seen it I did I
have and can you talk about it I can now
because it's finally out in cinemas I
saw it like a year ago and I wasn't loud
to talk about it for ages but it is it's
very very good yeah cool it's kind of a
love triangle with the robot but anyway
they're speaking of a triangle with a
robot yes exactly did a bit on the
poster it's a love triangle with a row
but that should have been the title and
then yeah they were two acute angles
the third angle was a robot the third
angle was obsolete or something nice I
get that the third angle was dealing
anyway think ex machina would have
worked if instead of the robot that they
had it was a Dalek oh no I think it
would have been even better ten times
better yeah that if that should be the
first half of next Doctor anyway we're
getting a little bit off the point so
yes on the subject of remakes steve
mclaughlin to says i don't understand
why we remake even bachmann steve
mclaughlin to okay cuz even got the
still owes me a tenor so that's why well
this is steve mclaughlin do he's
probably put the two on to disguise the
fact so it would slip under your radar
got it right right right anyway steve
says i don't understand why we remake
American versions of british shows i
assume steve lives in the US and many
times they're a lot better originally
like Top Gear for example it's a sad
state of affairs when top gear is the
prime example for example but like Top
Gear is like our biggest national X boys
and it absolutely it is yeah yeah yeah I
think I've I think that's their habitat
has been an american version of top gear
and it didn't rework yeah I've seen it
I've seen it and so did that wasn't very
good yeah I thought I mean I actually
looked at where I was writing this a
scar roll it did a list of a british
shows have been remade in the s try and
find some good examples and really the
office is it yeah that's the only one
where they've managed to both capture
the spirit of the original and bring
enough new to it that it's become a new
thing I mean there's been so many
high-profile phase like the IT crowd and
red dwarf and all that kind of thing yes
and they go I mean the thing is now it's
not reason s essere anymore because I'll
see why they do it because in the old
days you know people wouldn't invest in
people in other countries wouldn't
necessarily yeah this is how you would
get that show yeah right exactly but now
you've got netflix you got BBC america
so yeah there's but it's great to see
people enjoying Downton Abbey and it is
a great enjoying Downton Abbey yeah just
your Mountain hold out anyway all right
well that's enough for the news there's
no quiz this week there's no Andy so
we're going straight to the feedback
loads of feedback this week yes all
right let's hear what you guys been
saying in the feedback so we asked you
on facebook we're recording the senior
UK podcast later today quick ask us
anything and three of you gave a
thumbs-up likes to that post and those
people were Ricky Kumar ruckman Abdul
Khaliq the rock and Stefan Allardyce
great thanks guys see the feedback
coming cnet UK podcast at CBS I go all
the way street we need we need you to
keep us out with it I feel like we're
giving a lot and you know like all you
know we didn't even get one of the like
what's better custard creams or being
kicked in the stomach yeah come on guys
come on guys you've got you know you've
got to contribute something as well
should we make up our own feedback we
could yeah um what do you think is good
about Star Trek are too many things the
list see it's not that hard listeners
that was that was that was great to take
that question textbook because yeah
follow this example which gave a great
answer as well classic great well the
question keep that feedback coming yeah
we need email address but maybe maybe I
should give it a few more time all right
yeah you can also find some Facebook
intuitive yes absolutely absolutely
right well that's it for this week thank
you liek thank you thanks to our
producer Mark for you will never see
right we're off to work on our American
accents for inevitable remaking
Hollywood by
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