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CNET UK Podcast - Sky goes mobile and Apple makes record money - Ep. 419

hello and welcome you're listening to seen at UK podcast this episode forwarded 19 for Friday the 30th of January 2015 reach for the sky sky is getting into the mobile game plus Sony decides music streaming is someone else's problem now and there's more to drones than missile strikes and crashing the White House they could save the rainforests and even save your life I'm rich own home joining me on high-tech on the studio this week is Luke Westaway hello hello thanks for glossing over the fact that I said rain for welcome I wasn't even listening and also Andy white hello he wasn't gonna cross though that's one no I was gonna I was gonna I was gonna have a go and ask you to do it again just a waste time importantly today Friday no no I'm pretty sure there's nothing important you can expect that I won't be mentioning that several times rather podcaster okay we're filming this podcast as always so to see what Andy looks like on the day of his 44th birthday today is not my birthday but when the podcast goes out tomorrow on Friday yeah but that's when people listen to this and can be I are half of their things but they'll be listening to it and they'll know that what they're hearing are the words of a lying man now today when people listening to it and they're hearing today you are today in the future anyway to see the video 60 I know right let's kick off with the news starting off with some very good news for Apple yeah super good news for Apple in fact and it's basically had an incredibly good first sorry fourth quarter from last year it's given out two figures it has made 18 billion dollars that is not only record-breaking for Apple that is the most that any company has ever earned in a quarter holy crap so what's the previous holder of that previous was Exxon Mobil which is fifteen point nine billion so I play cleanly a long way that new yeah Wow so is there anything interesting that we need to know about these these results yeah a few things I mean mostly it's really all about the iPhone in fact 69% of its sales came from the iPhone that's a lot so any any new stuff coming up this year we can watch yes that is due to go on sale in April keep your eyes peeled that is for the US so if you're watching this in the US howdy unfortunately we don't yet know where it's coming out in the UK or really expression that isn't it keep your eyes peeled okay yes I do have a thoughts actually rich um I think it's interesting to compare Apple today with how Apple was two years ago or at least the perceptions of the company yeah because if you look back just a little way so it's not in the in the year following Steve Jobs death we have like the Apple Maps debacle yes was all 2012 and Samsung was just sort of like powering straight in there that's right very very quickly became the world's biggest smartphone maker and I think a lot of people very reasonably were saying so I think this is probably at the Apple may of Pete but turns out we were wrong in 20 2014 festive periods made even more money than you thought was possible any company and more money than any company's ever made it's made all the money and it's all all the iPhone I'm mentioning something as well the fact that air sampling a kind of that came took over the mobile phone market became the biggest mobile phone in the world to go from Nokia on the sets or beating Apple in terms of market share but now Samsung is in real trouble they've had their fifth consecutive quarter of losses this announces the same times Apple and more important in terms of global market where smartphone market share yes they're both neck-and-neck this is very exciting because Samsung's on 30% and they've dropped 20% and apples on 18 - and they've come up to 26 they're both on 20% so crikey all to play for all those but worth bearing in mind that that market share is interesting because markets get bigger so you can have a smaller market share than some more phones but anyway so they're neck-and-neck is the importantly that's very interesting and like there there are some sort of notes of caution in this news have got more money then he's got all the money got areas and that is that it's all down to the iPhone so some people have said well what about you know what if the iPhone something becomes unpopular yeah which is a you know it's a possibility it happen hasn't happened yet but it could happen um commenters however have apples back Ritchie mxx Ritchie mix rich mix eggs yeah what's he doing hunting him for what what's going on in the rich make it that's how what he says when he enters a room he's go Ritchie in the room this is me anyway kudos to Apple they've been able to market the heck out of an aging concept and continue to milk it for all it has glad to see the American Dream still work absolutely I'm about to do it Sam that's a bit of a backhanded compliment isn't it like congratulations making all the money in middle a full system that keeps us all if that's not the American dream then phrase meanwhile X Y Zed one nine eight one five five five resolved X Y Zed one nine eight one five still a robot a stellar actually I says Apple is going to keep innovating year after year unlike Microsoft o Burnout based in logic or facts this is a little harsh as well on Microsoft because obviously Microsoft does tend to sort of get most of things wrong and things like that a bit but Microsoft this we do Windows 10 that's for the last week which kind of interesting and hololens which is Windows 10 it's completely skipped over Windows 9 how's that for innovating because we're no less innovating I mean companies yeah yeah they've forgotten apparently there's a good reason for that not being in Windows 9 so in Germany they won't think it's Windows no I'm sure those are real I'll wait for Windows yes yeah it's apparently it's because there's loads of sort of software like older stuff that just looks for Windows 9 in sort of lines of codes and things looking for Windows 95 98 and things and so as soon as it sees and it soon as it sees Windows 9 regardless of what comes after it it's like wow okay I know what we're running an old thing and freaks out it's like selenium bug it shuts everything down a crazy point yes it would be absolutely classic Microsoft if they successfully did the millennium bug 15 years late really end of the world late well it just read tanners like one does with all my my music and things I'm the subject of Microsoft innovating there is they did we kind of missed this that's week because the podcast record on the day that it was announced but there was Windows 10 and the hololens like oh yes if you're only more about hololens there is a very good video by this man over here the quest away oh come on you'll never see yep exactly it up yeah it's five things you need to know about hololens explains everything wait for that search for hololens on I seen it why don't we move on to the negative story talk a bit about Sony right now because it's killed off Music Unlimited that was Sony's own music streaming service basically it's a rival to Spotify and oddly it has partnered with Spotify to put Spotify on the PlayStation its own service and partner with the rival Music Unlimited never really happened it's out of curiosity it never really picked up its musical name and today we're safe expendable in 19 countries and it's gonna be replaced by a musical limited which is basically just spotify with like a playstation sticker on it and that's gonna be available in 41 countries it was quite significant that sony couldn't make music streaming work it's like being a record company yeah they own it end to end they've got the artists and they've got the distribution platforms into the console yeah but they just if they can make it work then here could it just goes to show me that let your third parties like your Spotify isn't that kind of thing they're they're the people who are kind of you know in charge of music but so yeah so if you are a subscriber of Music Unlimited then that will continue until the end of March about a month and you'll get this last month for free and then you'll be offered some free spotify monies to have a go on that and nursed music unlimited PlayStation music is gonna start in spring so there you go reaction Jiji Lane says I love Spotify but I only use the free version on my desktop or shuffle through my phone if they team up with PlayStation and the free version isn't available it may be enough to cause me to make the jump to Spotify Premium one customer waiting to see the free version don't be nice go in hardball yeah that is how to win when you recommend a ruthless approach I think the most interesting thing about this probably is about the if you have a ps4 you can have Spotify music playing as you're playing your games which is kind of cool yeah what about if you've got good soundtracks and the games already yeah but what if you know what that kind of BP poopy music they have on the video games no it's just yeah well I gotta move on yeah okay by the the Timothy it's probably best yeah okay you okay with that I think so this week I'm gonna do that then BBC has a new service it's called taster yeah and as the name kind of suggests it's basically a service lets you style experience of BBC's new sort of experiments and things that like Google you to do with labs really I think yeah and the idea with this is that you can sort of use these services and then vote for the ones that you think the best that's right so I went along to BBC Broadcasting House childhood exciting thing was that not television Center not a big round one because that's closed now that's like flat that's where I was the other day right yeah we're taking in a stevia center is just is is just around the corner from it still they are still operational okay but Broadcasting House has won this now and I wish I would support cast now that's three old one that was in their central owner but yes so I went along to have look at this and it's going well it is basically website where you can kind of rate these experiments that previously the BBC would have done and try it out and then you might never have ever seen them but so it's always kind of interactive ways of kind of interacting with their content so it's tough like for example if there's a video if there's an interview filmed for then for news night or the culture show or something like that folks ago they go to chat for ages but then you'll only see sort of five minutes of actually on on Newsnight of the COTS day so what they do is they kind of they've come in this way of presenting it to you into bite-size way so if you like to take you into you and in this set the example they've got on live at the moment is Lena Dunham being interviewed by Jennifer Saunders you can just go along and you can see them chatting away there's our stuff like interactive tour guides of Benjamin Zephaniah who's a poet a few other things the thing where you can kind of create a timeline of BBC news stories of your life which is kind of cool so it's kind of interesting it's aimed mostly at kids it's not a particularly serious thing there was one take a thing that's called riot where the eye is with a one and it's this thing where you can go and vote for things on really one really one let's go and open things Romanoff's reward yes exactly so what was great about it was at the demonstration they were like um what could happen for example is radio one listeners and fans could they could vote for who's going to present the the raid the breakfast show next week and I was like that's that's a pretty big deal choosing DJs for the breakfast show and then afterwards I said are you gonna so you gonna do that's pretty cool and they said yeah no we're not doing that so it's probably gonna be use for more things like which artists you like so that they might you know who they can play next day so interactive mashup things aimed at kids that they're you cans could be worth firm because really a one does a lot of like Live Lounge Stephanie nights artists in so maybe you can like vote for who owns more popular get them in I mean just be Bieber week after week oh that's think one of the things I don't well thing I did we like was the thing where ft is in where you it's called it's called who's in and it's basically like it takes who's come in who's physically coming to the BBC each day so instead of like looking at each individual radio station only seeing what's on that radio station you get sense of all different pop stars and experts and presenters and personalities and poets and writers and all and all these kind of people who are going in and out the BBC on any given day which I thought was quite interesting because that's what the BBC's for all that kind of broad range of stuff yeah yes what we I mean we pay for it exactly yeah as much as you can out it exactly laugh I nearly paid more license fee so yeah pay your license paid right just thank you very much because they know where you live anyway anyway yes people wanting to stalk their friends look at photos of food or source casual sex were angry this week because Facebook Instagram week and tinder were all down now this was talk about people saying that it services have been hacked but no apparently it was an hour long problem caused by their own engineers probably like the wrong Ethernet cable in some cables tripped over the power cord it's all back up now so I walked it too far away from the wall and if I came out pull down the back well there's the think so this was that the longest outage for about four years apparently so that's quite a bit I think what this kind of shows is the kind of danger of the social graph the fact that Facebook wants to be at the heart of of everything and it wants you to use your Facebook credentials to sign into everything and and it wants to have almost like a light extra layer on top of the Internet where every site you go to have some kind of Facebook presence where there's comments or signing in or whatever but that does mean that if you know if all the kind of not power exactly but if the sort of if they're kind of influence and importance is placed in one place and it goes down because someone ships over a plug or whatever it is or even just has a typo in some code or something then everything goes wrong it's because Instagram and tinder that you log into those services by Facebook exactly so when Facebook went down it meant you couldn't use their services because those those aren't owned and operated by Facebook there they Instagram is owned by Facebook ok tinder tinder isn't tinder is versatile but because you have to use Facebook to use tinder swipe and find people you want to do awfully conversing with that with tinder for someone who's in a committed long-term relationship I've had enough people sitting there showing me awesome is likely so what is your birthday I suppose if one day of the year and what are our listeners 3 isn't listening saying about this particular well in this terrible disaster that befell us all what an hour well actually you know I kind of imagine when you say Facebook went down for now at you know the last matrix film where at the end neo and Trinity just for a brief moment fly the spaceship like over the clouds and it's still like blue sky I can't remember that but ok this guy in the real world like above this sort of noxious I picture I picture people running and screaming and things being on fire oh yeah so yeah we're so we heard him yes pay barefoot pee barefoot TBF people not sure that sanitary correctly but I'm hoping that's his initials PE good bath Li's foot yeah so what does it say says this is why I do not use Facebook to log into any other site for someone who pees barefoot that was quite wise thing to say it's not believe it's pepper okay sure one of those long troughs in a Weatherspoon's overs lots of and finally there's not more about yearning it's it's it's some drone join is yes there was a bit of panic when a a quadrocopter crashed in the grounds of the White House now that of course didn't mean that the entire building basically went into lockdown all over again no what actually happened now it was I love this story it was so absurd a drone kind of crashed into it they won't switch what happened it wasn't a big panic but they kind of a drone kind of landed in the ground and they weren't quite sure what gone on and then the next day some guy got up and went yeah I was a bit drunk last night and I was messing around the drone I think it might have gone over the fence into the White House sorry about that time this week it happens again we're keeping so I'm so DT I who make the the Phantom to explore the best known they've actually done a software update in response to this there where the White House sells a certain area of Washington DC is now a no-fly zone so whoa if you try and fly if the software knows it's a no-fly zone if you try and fly into the no-fly zone what does it do I think it's like the end of Robocop where is like prime directive do not know and then it like crashes it returns back to you this one GPS it knows where you're standing so it won't go in there surprise White House not the government buildings aren't already on that because it did airports are now no-fly zones in response to when somebody flew a DJI and to Heathrow and got into flight path planes and so a lot of sort of a careful with your drone do you think yeah but there's this water drone that I mean so that with this week we also covered drones for good which is this 1 million dollar competition for people who have got these students and you know the academics and experts like I think people who have come up with these ideas using drones and unmanned aerial vehicles to do cool things to help people out so for example there's a drone that a particular drone design that what it does is it flies above it flies above like former war zones and it can hex landmines from yeah and there's also there's a couple of different versions that work with Coast Guard's so that they can they can not only fly out and cover larger search areas fly ahead of the rescue boats and cover search areas they can also if needs be they can ditch in the water and they've got handles and flotation tanks so that if they if they find a survivor it can take them off the boat to arrive they condition the water that piece and a bond for them they go I think drop rings they could there's nothing they could do yet so there's that one of my favorites though is the one that say it kind of flies over deforested areas and it fires nutrient-rich seed pods into the ground we forest large areas which is really cool what if those robots go crazy next in the reef or invention as well for this last one that wasn't a guy who thought a little bit outside the box and he didn't come up with a design for a drone he came up with an idea for a way of actually helping drones to deliver things so you know Amazon are talking about maybe delivering packages on drones yeah but they can't just fly over and start dropping packages out the sky with you and you don't want Xu baijiu in the only one seed pods just delivered by catapult yeah it comes through the ceiling is now in the kit is now in the garden but if you know the garden would you so he's coming this idea that of a big net basically and viewers can see it on the screen there it's basically a big net it's gone it's an actual net it's an actual net so the drone comes down and let pops the thing in there it's on the outside of your house or your flat I don't mean to garden it's got a net in there to protect it's got a barcode there to make sure that it's the right place and it is called Skynet what can go wrong but there you go so have a look at that drones for good I think it's there that's kind of cool all right well that's enough news let's move on to this week's feature so 2015 is the 30th anniversary of the British mobile phone industry and it's fitting then that this year is seeing some of the biggest shake-up sweep ever seen first BT announced it would buy EE then three analysis buying o - and now sky is getting involved - announcing it will create its own mobile network in 2016 Sky's network will be powered by telefónica the current owners of o2 so why all these changes happening it's all to do with what they call in the industry quad play a four prong strategy where telecoms companies offer you a package of broadband landline TV and the mobile phone BT and Sky already rivals in the world of broadband TV and landlines will now complete the package with their mobile networks just a few years ago there were five major players and now there's going to be three so what's going to happen next Luke you have some thoughts on this they knew yes I do at first I'd just like to pause to silently appreciate the Majesty that is quad play what play quad play what play yeah sounds so boring and yet so like professional yes it does have a certain majesty it sounds like it sounds like a technique in squash wait you need to work on your court play the comment says that content is like and that's a fantastic piece of quad play there's a court play classic quad play he's always been so good at quad play especially on this turf so is anyone missing out in this in all these industry maneuvers yes so this is what's basically happening now as all the companies are racing to to get this quad play thing up and running but some people aren't doing so well at it notably Vodafone yeah which poor old Vodafone only a few months ago was just one of the major UK mobile providers and now suddenly is looking in a rather shaky position because it doesn't offer all of those things and it doesn't have the full four quads or prongs of the coin plays it only has three of the prongs that's right and no one case it's not a triple play cooled but yeah no one cares about anymore no that's all about cooling yep so basically the question is what's going to happen to Vodafone so yes I mean sky like the sky mobile service is kind of interesting but it's so far away it's not gonna happen till next year and we don't only think about prices yet or stuff like that so the minute this is still just kind of interesting sort of what's happening to all the companies are also forming these weird alliances the landscape is shifting it's crazy absolutely industry consolidation yes so what about MBA um how do you feel about is you happy sad I'm just going to say so the Vodafone might team up with Sky still my by Skype Italian well as some people have said vote Franco too big if I might buy sky disguise got so no one's too big for Vodafone to buy Vodafone is it's not just a British Network remember it starts off to British Network but it is also in our national thing it is a big dealing by you and everyone you care about I can tell the way around maybe Sky buying no defence oh well how do you how do you feel about so it seems a bit confusing like do people really understand confusing about quad play Andy well exactly you know you see as a term like two people play against really gets or the benefit if there is a benefit to be hard with that so maybe we'll take a little while would you like work about anything soon I wouldn't because I I don't want this because I don't want I don't have TV I have a TV but I use streaming services and I don't have a landline phone I don't know anyone who has a landline phone hopefully but only because my phone mobile phone sitting on my flat is rubbish sure so for me like quad play just does not work as a concept so I'd rather have a dedicated mobile phone service which actually think Vodafone it could be in a good position to as it to be like a niche provider where it is only doing one thing but it can specialize in it and really know what to do as just a phone provider like there is a benefit there offering service and it does have things like Spotify and Sky Sports and that it's offering with its own with this bundles already so it's it still got a decent position it also will be good to have have more competition as well because we're going for five major players two three that's that's kind of a worry in terms of competition of pricing and that kind of thing well it's a long way off that right okay so it's gonna take a little while yes and all of this like these big acquisitions which and by the way Andy I'm with you I think what blaze sort of yeah it's a bit confusing do you definitely want all those four things you know you're getting a good deal when you're paying for so many things at once yeah but this is all still a little way off because yeah the BTE deal is subject to regulatory approval so is the thing between Oh two and three zone er that's between telefónica and Hutchison what why manpower yeah yes so it's all it's all subject to approval so you won't definitely happen but the the European Commission would be get the final say-so on on the o2 and the EE deals but they would they agree to a similar deal in Germany last year which might make it more likely that these are going to be pushed through because that sets a precedent okay of it basically being okay yeah everyone in Germany be like hang on it's - it could be that off come might say well you know you've got to sell off a few bits of your business and then you won't be too big when you yeah and like it's gonna be so complicated because for example Oh - and Vodafone have like a mast sharing and agreement things like that like all of the companies already have these weird sort of informal yes they're very intertwined ah yeah yeah it's all very very complicated and very fun and that's gonna be is gonna make it even more confusing for shoppers because you're gonna sort of go for you could be going for like orange and not realizing that you're sort of like actually tying yourself to BT which is just so weird because speaking of which what our first and first reactions from readers listeners viewers and other human beings well James bed well on the Facebook's hello James says Sky broadband is the worst slow Brewster slow internet not even free broadband for a year could convince me to stay with them now on building fibre with a much better router and no regret that's pretty damning good stuff James George buyer says you cancel everything to do with Sky PW you release you and tell the world about your new service and they're like well let us know how you feel about about the these new maneuverings whether you'll be sticking with your cut provider when things all get thrown up in the air and come down and land in completely different shapes yes oh yeah keep us posted and for now we're gonna move on to the quiz yes it's time for the quiz once again and the leaderboard currently stands at Jason 6 and e6 Luke 6 this is neck and neck you can't split her hair between them or something anyway this week Luke sounds like this and Andy sounds like this excellent so one of us has a relevant topical buzzer that's right because there isn't about clowns we are clowns we are going to be talking about the mobile phone networks of the past due to the you know changings around the image it's a thing it's mobile phones that networks past it there so fingers on buzzers fastest singer first question one it wasn't best known as a telecoms company but which company owned the largest private telecoms network in Britain and at 17,000 kilometers of fiber optic and copper cable connecting every major city in town and it linked to Europe through the Channel Tunnel Luke was it something like the post office that's that's not the correct answer this is I mean it was kind of similar because that was privatized and this that some people say when they companies privatized it goes off the rails so you know Andy Oh was it it was the largest telecoms network in the country yeah the yeah the post office was the original name for British Telecom it was the gpio general post office it was all part the same thing but then yeah it all splits up is very complicated actually the history of Britain I thought you were flipped me the bird you were holding up but you hold the upper fingers only get one moment yeah did I get that you did get that boy you got a hand you got that boy right okay cruel food cuz there was a big clue for me yeah well you needed all the help you can get a big clue this time question to Vodafone made the first mobile phone call thirty years ago this year and also the first text message but what did the first text Luke happy birthday that's the right answer yes this is a high-scoring round because it's my birthday that wasn't being a coming for you at all it is already been playing into your hands though it's not your birthday that wasn't actually a clue that's just what it said right question through question three this all to play for this is exciting the suspense which of today's networks began life as mercury one to one and II t-mobile it was t-mobile that's the correct that's so ever and I used to be on one to one Wow and actually one to one called your own answer phone although actually does on Vodafone now so that's weird anyway guess so the and is a tie-break question would have been doesn't matter but cyber question would have been two nearest five years when was Cable and Wireless established the answer may surprise you 1997 the answer may surprise you 1066 it was is this what the battle was about they left a phone ringing no it was 1934 oh yeah yeah that's that doesn't well everyone has to have why they did yeah it was certainly was like the first infrastructure company after Telegraph's and stuff lovely new bonnet there you go so now you use is on seven that's very exciting come back next week to see what's clapping and next up let's have the feedback so let's see what you guys have been saying or should I say you guys have time for one thing oh we've only got time for one day Andrew winter says I recently gave in to pressure from society and bought a pair of Beats headphones this was compromised as I couldn't find anything that fit my audio needs what I really wanted was a pair of wireless as my past eight headphones have broken at the jack in ear earphones without the stupid sporty bits connected together by a wire as I would undoubtedly lose one with decent sound quality yeah I am no audio file well who is and around 50 pounds 200 pounds if such things exist I would love to know so that I can self criticize my decision so point out here first of all that Andrews not looking really for buying advice ceases the kindest thing we could do was to say there aren't any and then you made the right purchasing you've made the right decision Andrew no the right decision don't don't worry about anything everything is fine just don't overthink it but as all your headphone you are determined to punish yourself I would recommend you search CNET best sports headphones because we have a round up of many headphones Jeff forty-ones wireless kind of things that seem to be within that price range certainly also point out don't um don't forever abandon the like wired earphones because lots of head phones these days increasingly and have replaceable wires for stretches which is good okay yeah it doesn't matter if the why gets any thoughts on this one yeah well cuz he mentioned them just like this the the sporty bit like the clips and stuff those are actually really important particularly on wireless on wireless support headphones because all the the bluetooth connectivity and everything and the batteries of course are held in the earpieces they're really really heavy so will fall out quite easily particularly if you are running so you can't do need those those clips so which but a few bucks we do next you do the marriage opposed there's loads there's some dark confessions I don't know we can do that if I think it was like oh I'm just getting my ear there's no more time mark you will never see is making us some kind of chopping gesture I'm not sure if that's he's saying running out of time or he's gonna kill us when it finished I'm not really sure thank you for all of you back yeah saying he's gonna kill us when we finish to be in our interest to sort of keep it coming yeah no I mean I speed we could sort of said like signals and tweets to the audience and then like if this podcast drops below 30 but words a minute please keep your eye coming folks by emailing us at our email address which is seen at UK podcast at CBS our comm or you can find us on Facebook on Twitter you know how to use the internet you're all experts thank you very much they thank you Andy thanks to us producer Mark who you will never see right roth to fly our drones into Big Ben see you next week
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