AT&T has a new upgrade plan that you
might want to avoid I'm Bridget Carey
and this is your CNET update ATT is
giving customers the option to ditch
their two-year contract and pay about
$30 more every month for the opportunity
to upgrade to a new phone once a year
this option is called next but it makes
no financial sense your monthly service
plan has not changed at all so let's say
you currently pay about $100 a month for
service instead of just paying $200 up
front for that shiny new iPhone and
being done with it you now are paying
double that almost $400 over the course
of a year for that same iPhone and
that's just so you can trade it in for a
new model in 12 months and that phone
better be in good condition because if
it's cracked you got to pay more to
trade it in the only person this
benefits is someone who pays a large
termination fee to break their contract
every year just to get a new phone if
you do the math the difference between
paying a termination fee for your
contract and the next plan is about 55
dollars if you don't get a new phone
every year with next you're losing money
the next plan basically takes the full
price of the phone and splits it up over
20 months so if you keep your phone for
the whole 20 months you just shelled out
the full six hundred and fifty dollars
for a new phone when you could have
gotten for $200 just with sticking with
a contract so why is 18 t even offering
this well I guess they thought they
needed to do something to compete with
t-mobile which has a better version of
this concept a t-mobile they don't have
contracts you just put a down payment on
a phone like about $100 and you pay a
monthly fee to pay off the rest of the
phone over time but your monthly service
charges are lowered to balance it out
that's what 18 T is missing and t-mobile
just launched the jump plan so for over
$10 a month you could upgrade a phone
twice a year if you want something new
or if the phone is damaged so it's like
an insurance plan we expect Verizon to
also jump in and offer some option for
people to upgrade early but we'll have
to wait and see if Verizon can make it
worthwhile it's time to claim a new
Yahoo user name
Yahoo has been doing some
cleaning and deactivated old abandoned
IDs that have not been used in over a
now yahoo is opening up those names to
other people on a first-come
first-served basis just go to wish list
dot to request your username
and Foursquare is beginning to roll out
advertisements that show up after you
check into a place so for example when
mom checks into the neighborhood park or
pool she might see a Toys R Us ad to
encourage her to pick up some frisbees
and pool noodles that's your tech news
update you can find more details at slash from our studios in New
York I'm Bridget Carey
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