CNET Update - Barnes and Noble leaves the tablet biz
CNET Update - Barnes and Noble leaves the tablet biz
Barnes & Noble is getting out of the
tablet biz I'm Jeff Bakalar filling in
for Bridget Carey and this is your cnet
update Barnes & Noble will stop
production of the Nook Tablet and sell
off the remaining inventory according to
a statement released today the company
blames the ongoing losses in the
manufacturing of the tablet but also
says quote going forward the company
intends to continue to design ereading
devices and reading platforms while
creating a partnership model for
manufacturing in the competitive color
tablet market via the open source
android based platform for gaming has
already sold out of its initial stock
from amazon and gamestop Ouya had a
massively popular Kickstarter campaign
thanks to its convincing marketing video
that promised a world of independent
gaming at an affordable price of ninety
nine dollars
you're still in the market for one you
can probably find some at
brick-and-mortar stores like best buy or
target if you're still not sure about
picking one up some reviews have already
hit online and the initial consensus is
not very positive we'll have a full cnet
review very soon sony is getting more
competitive with its music service new
features to the service include offline
listening and improving the sound
quality of the streaming and downloaded
music it said the new ios app will
perform closer to the quality of some of
the other players out there like spotify
and rdio a preview of the latest version
of Windows 8 that's 8.1 if you're
counting at home shows off new features
that include the return of the start
button and its functionality users will
now be able to restart and shut down
straight from the start button there's
also some new aesthetic tweaks buried
inside the update for instance my
computer will now be called this PC and
the tile screen will offer more
customization including the ability to
change the size of certain icons and
finally a Taiwanese coffee chain is now
offering what they're calling a lot a
printer which works like a kiosk that
sprinkles any image on top of your
beverage of choice so you can basically
drink your own face look at this guy is
going to face in his coffee that's crazy
the machine can even write text so if
you find yourself in Taiwan anytime soon
make sure you stop by any let's cafe
store for the chance to try it out
yourself that's your tech news update
for today you can find more details on
these stories at cnet com / update and
make sure you follow along on Twitter
from our Studios here in New York City
i'm jeff bakalar
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