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CNET Update - Forget Flappy Bird. We're all hooked on 2048

if you have work to get done stay away from 2048 I'm Bridget Carey and this is your cnet update remember the so bad it's addictive game of flappy bird well the apps creator says someday he'll release a new version of the game but I think the world has already moved on to the next game sensation it's 2048 a simple but addictive puzzle game where you slide squares to match a combined similar numbers to earn points it's sort of like the game threes once you get how it works you can say goodbye to productivity it was created by a 19 year old Italian programmer and just a few days after he launched the game on the web he said thousands of people were playing it at once and if you add up all the time people spend playing this game it's about five hundred and twenty years there are several parody versions around including one featuring the Doge meme it's doge 2048 and I find it more entertaining than the original much matching such ego-boosting but if you're looking for a game to play that has more substance then check out a game called papers please it won the top honor at the independent games festival it's not your typical game storyline you play an immigration officer in a fictional dystopian country asking for documents and you have to allow or deny immigrants by using your detective skills you can find it on steam for ten dollars available for mac or windows google took its email security to the next step by requiring all gmail accounts to be encrypted chances are if you use gmail you were already using a secured connection with https most users are it's the default but until today you did have the option to turn off encryption not anymore using HTTPS makes it harder for outsiders to spy on messages and that's a big deal in a time where the world is wary of government surveillance Samsung keeps making uber huge televisions for the uber-rich Samsung has named its price for its massive 110 inch 4k ultra high-def TV it'll cost 150 thousand dollars this model was first shown off in January at the Consumer Electronics Show but we now know how much it costs and if that's been high for you there's always the 85 inch TV for 40 grand it's the exact same TV you just get 25 fewer inches to brag about and looking ahead HTC will officially show off its next flagship phone on Tuesday in New York there has been plenty of buzz surrounding the sequel to the HTC One because so many photos have been leaked out of this new model and it has to back cameras but you can follow the news live on cnet tuesday at 11am Eastern 8 a.m. Pacific that your tech news update from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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