CNET Update - HBO Now promotes launch with Iron Thrones on Uber
CNET Update - HBO Now promotes launch with Iron Thrones on Uber
when you play the game of Thrones you
stream or you can Hoover I'm Bridget
Carey and this is your scene that update
Game of Thrones has been all the buzz
this week as the season premiere kicked
off with the launch of HBO now but
before we get to that there are quite a
few other games making headlines for
starters plastic guitars are making a
guitar hero is relaunching after a
four-year hiatus this time around
instead of cartoonish animations
representing you in the game there are
real human actors on stage and in the
crowd with a first-person perspective
you can see the audience and your band
members react to your performance the
guitar itself is different with six
buttons and two rows at the top of the
neck the game is also keeping things
fresh by mixing in music videos and the
ability to have others watch you live
and compete with players worldwide it's
coming out this fall for $100 and
speaking of classic games Game Stop will
begin trading used games from old school
systems including the NES Super NES and
Sega Genesis starting April 25th about
250 stores in test markets around New
York City and Birmingham Alabama will
buy and sell retro consoles and games it
could expand the program nationwide if
there is enough interest in the pilot
those in the test regions can trade in
and buy games from the 80s and 90s
including titles from the original
PlayStation Nintendo 64 and Sega
Dreamcast All Eyez this week are on HBO
now the new standalone internet
streaming service the network seems to
have passed its first major test on
Sunday during the game of Thrones season
premiere as there weren't any major
outages or streaming hiccups reported
but dishes sling TV streaming service
has not been as fortunate some customers
who tried to watch HBO from slings Roku
app complained of issues which Dish
acknowledged on its blog and apologized
when you play the game of streaming
television you win or you die because if
people have problems now it may be hard
to convince others to join in and cut
the cable cord HBO now is in full
promotion mode for its $15 a month a
and as part of that promotion it's
working with uber in New York City to
let anyone take a seat on the show's
iconic Iron Throne if you're in New York
on Thursday and Friday enter the
promotion code throne rides in the uber
app along with hailing a car you'll be
able to summon a ride in a pedicab
designed to look like a throne or you
can request the actual throne and a
truck delivered to your realm several of
these Thrones will be traveling in glass
trucks encouraging you to tweet to the
Seven Kingdoms with hashtag write of
Thrones who knew an app could make the
quest to take the Iron Throne so easy
reporting from our studios in Westeros
I'm Bridget Carey queen of updates
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