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CNET Update - HTC One puts ultrapixels over megapixels

HTC says it has one phone to rule them all I'm Bridget Carey and this is your cnet update HTC has announced a brand new flagship smartphone called one HTC has not been doing so well lately so the company is really hoping to WoW you on this new phone it has an all-aluminum body moving away from the cheap plastic feel of most Android phones the home screen interface called sense looks different gone our widgets like that retro flip clock instead the home screen has something called blinkfeed which is like a flip board collection of news stories social media updates and photos that you can flip through oh and there's no way to shut off blinkfeed entirely another unique feature is something called zoe which is a photo mode where the camera will automatically take a short three second video at the same time you take a photo so when you scroll through the gallery it looks like the photos come alive a little it might remind you of Harry Potter photos but the only people who can see Zoe files or other HTC owners unless you convert the files oh and there's also the matter of the rear camera which is 4 megapixels HTC calls them ultrapixels and that the sensor can pick up more light and can work better in the dark than the iphone or galaxy s3 but that's going to be a hard sell for consumers who only care to look at megapixel numbers and most top phones have 8 megapixel cameras the company's trying to streamline its phone models this year so the HTC One will be the same version sold that 18t Sprint and t-mobile the 32 gig model is two hundred dollars with a two-year contract it appears that Google doesn't want to feel left out of the retail store trend and is looking into opening google stores later this year at least those are the reports buzzing around there wasn't word on exactly where or when but it could be a place for Google to show off its products like Chromebooks and the latest nexus tablets and smartphones hotmail is entering its final chapter microsoft is starting to move all hotmail users to the new free webmail service and the hotmail service is being phased out users can keep their a hotmail com accounts but they'll just have to access them through the out look calm web portal some folks joke about people who still have hotmail accounts but I see no shame in hotmail it could be a point of pride when it's hard to get like owning a classic car I still have my AOL account and I have no plans on getting rid of it because it was my first email address and now it manages all my grey mail but what's your take on all the email addresses do you use hotmail proudly or get teased for an old email account send me a video reply using tout or email your comments to update at cnet com that's your tech news update you can find more details on these stories at our blog sina com / update from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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