CNET Update - How Dish's deal could improve Sprint
CNET Update - How Dish's deal could improve Sprint
will the dish run away with the sprint
I'm Bridget Carey and this is your cnet
updated the satellite television
provider dish made a bid to merge with
sprint for 25 and a half billion dollars
sprint was already talking about merging
with a Japanese wireless provider called
softbank but this dish deal offers
sprint more money so why would sprint
consider and deal with DISH well Sprint
is in third place behind 18 T and
Verizon so it needs to do something to
grow and standout dish has 14 million
subscribers those could be new customers
in some sort of bundle deal and dish
owns airwaves that sprint could use to
boost its network that means sprint
would have more capacity to handle more
traffic and have a stronger connection
essentially a wider highway for data to
travel on and that highway would be
wider than its rivals 18 t and verizon
dish has had its eyes on wireless for
some time now before this dish try to
buy metropcs but that didn't work and
earlier in the year I made a bid for the
clearwire network but sprint owns most
of that company there were also reports
that maybe dish was talking to t-mobile
but it's more than just wireless
remember dish bought blockbuster in 2011
it's time for more SmartWatch rumors the
wall street journal reports that
Microsoft is tinkering with making its
own SmartWatch this wouldn't be
Microsoft's first dance with
smartwatches in 2004 @ launched software
called spot and it partnered with
watchmakers like fossil and swatch this
is one such watch with spot these
watches displayed headlines for news
sports and weather but they were
discontinued in 2008 continuing with
Microsoft news for those of you with
windows 8 the Bing apps have been
updated users can sort manage and add
different news categories and feeds into
the news app the Maps app has a new
search tool to track down local
businesses or even see the location of
people in your contacts Electronic Arts
is shutting down three games it has on
Facebook this sends social simcity
social and pet society the games will no
longer be available after June
fourteenth and EA says it's retire
these games because activity has fallen
off since they first launched on
Facebook if you're in the market for a
new TV or just wanted to dream about a
new TV check out this 55 inch plasma in
the Panasonic st60 series it's the first
television to get a 5 star rating from
cnet what makes it the most recommended
TV ever well for the mid-level price
range it has outstanding quality and
plenty of Smart TV content of course
nothing's perfect and like everything
there are a few downsides but you can
check out the full review online that's
your tech news update we got more
details on these stories at cnet com /
update from our studios in New York I'm
Bridget Carey
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