do you like working for your company see
if it made fortunes list I'm Jeff
Bakalar filling in for Bridget Carey and
this is your cnet update this week
fortune debuted a list of the 100 best
companies to work for Google took the
number one spot while Microsoft checked
in at number 75 so what about the
companies like Apple and Facebook well
believe it or not those two didn't even
make the list wireless tech company
Qualcomm took the 11th spot while chip
manufacturer Intel showed up at 68 for a
full list of the 100 companies head over
to our show notes by following the URL
at the end of the show details of a high
powered version of LG's Optimus G have
apparently leaked online a slide sent to
engadget teases a new LG phone with a
5-inch 1080p display a 1.7 gigahertz
quad-core processor 13 megapixel rear
camera and 32 gigs of on-board storage
no word yet on which carriers will
support the LTE phone a no competition
conspiracy has accused major companies
like Google Apple and more of being part
of a plan to keep salaries artificially
low it's led to Apple CEO Tim Cook to
take part in a round of questioning by
the plaintiffs attorneys according to a
report by Reuters the plaintiffs accused
the companies in question of trying to
prevent other entities from hiring
ex-employees which has a US judge
contemplating whether or not to award
the case class-action status it seems
nokia has finally found some use for 3d
printers today the company announced it
will be releasing 3d templates and specs
of cases for the Lumia 820 phone users
won't be able to build their own custom
case per se but instead use the plans to
print out the Nokia approved models so
what's the catch well they're going to
have to find access to their own 3d
printer and finally Apple is as sharp to
cut the production of the 9.7 inch iPad
screen leading many to wonder whether or
not this is the work of the ipad mini
and it's skyrocketing popularity Sharp's
ipad screen production has fallen to a
minimal level says Reuters but whether
or not the shift to the mini is hurting
Apple is still unclear one thing is for
sure though it's certainly helping
apple's tablet market dominance that's
your tech news update you can get links
to all of the stories I mentioned here
at our blog cnet com / update from our
Studios here in New York I'm Jeff
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