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CNET Update - Nest smoke detector pulled for safety glitch

waving at gadgets is the wave of the future but we got some work to do I'm Bridget Carey and this is your CNET update sometimes smart home gadgets are not as smart as they seem the company Nest has pulled its protect smoke detector from stores because of a potential safety issue the nest protect is designed to let you silence a minor smoke alert by waving your hand near it so if you're just burning the toast the protect will kindly bring it to your attention and you can hush the voice with a wave but the company says it's possible to unintentionally hush till alarm the device may misinterpret other nearby motion as a wave and it could delay the alarm going off if there was a real fire so to be on the safe side nest is halting sales to turn off this waving feature and for those of you that do already have an S protect an update over an internet connection will automatically disable the wave feature now you'll have to push the center button to silence a warning and use the smart phone app to get message alerts during the time the product was still on Amazon many consumers were giving it a bad review for a different reason some said it was too sensitive and it would go off without any smoke in the house and waving or pushing the button did nothing to stop it so this smart smoke alarm still has some learning to do vine is a video app created by Twitter for sharing 6 second video clips that loop now for the first time you can send those looping videos in a private message if the person has the vine app the video will show up there but if they don't have the vine app you can still send the private video as a link in an email or a text message and to keep things private vine made it so that the link to the video can only be viewed once after that it just shows a message that the video was already viewed and it urges you to download the app to see it again every app wants a piece of this private messaging craze especially Twitter's rival Facebook I'm sure you've seen Facebook keep pushing its messenger up and don't forget it bought whatsapp and it owns Instagram which also recently added private messaging and did you know Samsung even has its own private messaging app it's called chat you don't have to have a Samsung product to use it it's available for iOS android blackberry and windows chat on just added new feature so that you erase a message after it has been read it's a similar concept to the disappearing messages on the popular app snapchat you can also share your location and send files up to one gigabyte in size chaton has 100 million users but nothing is as popular as whatsapp which handles 64 billion messages a day from 465 million users that's your tech news update head to for more details on these stories from our studios in new york I'm Bridget Carey
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