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CNET Update - Samsung may soon launch new Galaxy to take on iPhone

is Samsung working on a phone that will top the galaxy s5 I'm Bridget Carey and this is your cnet update when it comes to Samsung smartphones the Galaxy S line has always been the flagship model but a report out of Korea says Samsung could be cooking up a new high-end smartphone that will launch next month eTnews says this would be better than the galaxy s5 and it was designed to challenge the iphone 6 the Korean report calls it the Galaxy alpha and said to have a metal casing and come with additional features now this could be a blend between the s5 and the larger galaxy note but alpha could be a code name there also have been some rumors of a device called the s5 Prime so that could be in reference to the same phone now it seems every week there's a new rumor about what samsung or apple is up to and you can't always trust these anonymous sources but there could be some truth behind the speculation and in the world of Apple it appears the iWatch could begin mass-production in November which is later than expected that's according to a research note by a KGI Apple analyst the researcher is forecasting that the development will be later because of hardware and software challenges it's expected that apple SmartWatch will have a curved screen and it could be water resistant but we shall have to wait and see in the meantime there's one small apple feature you don't have to wait for iTunes extras is now available on more Apple devices normally if you buy a DVD or blu-ray disc it comes with bonus content like deleted scenes but if you buy a movie on iTunes the digital version of that bonus content is found in iTunes extras and that's now accessible from Apple TV before you could only get it on the pc and mac versions of itunes android users also got a small update recently regarding email now android litter attached files from your google drive directly into a gmail message the update also brings better autocomplete suggestions when you type a name into the to field on your email and in the world of apps Google is bringing its augmented reality location game to Apple devices it's called ingress and a bland is real world maps and landmarks with made-up energy sources that you have to collect first you pick a side are you the enlightened or the resistance and then you use your smartphone to collect sources of energy that are overlaid on a map of your actual location now if you're physically present in a neighborhood with a power source well you can claim it for your team and then you can put other objects down to defend it as more iphone owners join the virtual game things could get more challenging that your techniques update you can get more details on these stories at cnet com from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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