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CNET Update - Why the Bash bug will be a big headache

there is yet another big bad security bug that will wreak havoc on our lives you know just another day in tech I'm Bridget Carey and this is your cnet update it's time to come to terms with a simple depressing fact about the current state of Technology you can't trust any software or device to be secure from hackers I hate to sound so dark but a security flaw has been revealed to the world and it impacts an enormous percentage of software it's called the Bosch bug Bosch is a program that sends commands to your computer it runs in the background and many devices use it but there is a weak spot that serves as a back door for a hacker to send a command to take over your machine or rummage around servers and steal information this bash bug is all over the place it's in Linux systems and Mac OS 10 the bug can be found in your company's complex servers or the simple internet-connected light bulb in your home that's right you can't even trust your light bulbs because the software is everywhere and because it's so easy to execute the attack security researchers are calling it catastrophic so are you terrified yet you may be desensitized to all these hacking attacks but don't shrug it off because now that knowledge of the flaw is out in the open the worst is yet to come as companies rush to patch this they will be pushing out alerts for you to update your software and you should update everything although the tricky part is that you may not be able to update everything like that light bulb hopefully our future smart home products will have more security precautions amazon is actually working on some smart home products sources told Reuters that these smart home products would connect to the internet and could make it easier for you to order things around the house such as ordering more laundry detergent when you're running low but since you can't hit a magic button in your home to order more soap amazon let you shop with tweets now you can add items to your wish list by tweeting the hashtag amazon wish list you can also add items to your cart with the hashtag amazon cart you need to connect your Amazon account to your Twitter account to master this trick has to be a reply to a tweet with a product link which is kind of strange but hey that's social media for you in the meantime the world continues to wait for apples next update to iOS 8 after the first update was botched the mobile operating system update that was flawed left new iPhone 6 bottles without cell service and broken touch ID fingerprint scanners if you did get stuck with a bad update there is a way to download the old iOS 8 to revert your phone back to the previous operating system but it's unclear how long before Apple can fix the damage to its image with consumers that your tech news update you can learn more at cnet com from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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