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CNET Update - You won't believe who ruled Twitter in 2015

not even a president can out tweet a boy band I'm Bridget Carey this is your scene that update as the end of the year draws near Twitter released a report on the top tweets trends and hashtags of 2015 and what did it show that Twitter users care more about the band One Direction than anything else oh dear a few band members of one direction of the most retweeted messages of the year even more than when the President of the United States tweeted about legalizing gay marriage President Obama created his own president account this year in May and his tweet on gay marriage was the fourth most retweeted guests not even the president can compare with boyband fans some other big retweets included a tweet from the king of Saudi Arabia after he was crowned he sent out a message of prayer and support to his people twitter is very big in Saudi Arabia also among the top retweeted messages was one from Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy the last tweet he sent before he died in February some of the biggest news events shared on Twitter include the Paris terrorist attacks with hashtag pray for Paris and hashtag black lives matter also was a powerful social movement that phrase was tweeted 9 million times also on the list was hashtag Pluto flyby when NASA's new Horizons spacecraft captured close-up images of Pluto's surface in July and there was that dress you know that dress with 4.4 million tweets of people arguing if it was blue and black or white and gold and let's never forget that white-and-gold people were the right people twitter also tracked the top emojis used no surprise the crying while laughing face also known as tears of joy was the top emoji of Twitter this year and this year twitter has made a few of its own emojis that show up when you use a hashtag and a new one will begin to show up Tuesday with the hashtag I am a witness it is an eyeball inside of a speech bubble it's an icon created for the anti-bullying campaign by the ad council those are the same folks that brought us Smokey the Bear and McGruff the Crime Dog the hope is that when you see someone being bullied online you'll use this emoji to reply that you saw what happened you support the person and that bullies are not welcome Apple added this non-official emoji to its emoji keyboard in the latest iOS update and Google's also starting to put the icon in its keyboard because new emoji art is rolling out for Android users this week Google is coming out with about 200 or so new icons to the keyboard these are icons that iphone users already can use from an update that came out in October that includes new foods animals objects and faces but android of course has its own art that's different from apple's art the first to get the new emoji icons will be those with android marshmallow which are mostly Nexus devices that's it for this tech news update and there's more cnet com from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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