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CNET snow day! What is your favorite 80's movie? (The 3:59, Ep. 177)

welcome to the 359 episode 177 and Thursday februari ninth on a snowy day in New York City and we are bored out of our minds and we have nothing better to do so with you today a rudder chain and Ben Fox Rubin later then we're we're basically the only ones who trekked in through the snow there's quite a bit of snow and wind out there and it's a slow news day so we figured why not have fun with a special longer episode of the 359 where I really just gonna sit around talking about her favorite age movies yeah why not why not why not absolutely so if you want to talk about tech just see us on just doing out yeah yes just you know you can jump off maybe I'm try to slip it into the comments we want to hear about your favorite movies and yeah we're gonna talk about our favorite days movies and the remakes that you know we're not so hot on but I'm actually really curious to know if there's any 80s movie remake that is good we we had not thought of any yeah like while we were doing like pre-show conversation teen wolf bratty kid but there are definite arguments to be made but I'm with you guys I would say the the modern generation of roca Robocop the robocop was bad yeah that's what I'm saying they're all horrible I would argue that I would assume that the younger generation I mean crotty kid was was a hit right was a financial success like I imagine like I know a new generation of people watched it like oh that that's that's the karate kid oh my no it's not it's a kid from Jersey that's the real karate kid dang it and also it's this because you know that all the the Chinese guys were all villains of the movie it's in basic it there's the romaine remake yeah I hadn't watched it is that the one with will smith's kid in it yeah yeah Smith and Jackie Chan which was a redeeming quality of a Jackie Chan is great he is pretty amazing I would like to see more of Jackie Chan these days but nothing really holds up to Ralph Macchio no you look at that look at this just watch the footage it is just what okay so one thing that always got me about karate kid though is he wins within a legal move no way wait what special crane kick is a lot of final tournament remember they state the rules as he enters the arena and they say no kicks to the face how did he win oh how did then whoa whoa that just blew my mind right that completely changes the perspective and makes him actually the villain in this absolutely well they just sound like a Barney from how i met your mother they do try to treat him like total crap the whole movie and then he kicks the guy in the face he had it coming but it did he japonais as well that it's a very good point I just thought that was kind of funny like really I like a completely massive oversight I did not yeah or an intentional why did that well me I want me to talk about it 30 years yeah I watched it when I was a kids I'd completely like went over my head I've just shared that he kicked the bully in the face I know it was pretty in gaol uh Michael Dolan in the chat says fright night fright night fright night the vampire movie yeah that's that gave me nightmares for days i don't i don't think i ever actually saw that one is i do and it was trailing it was like actually a remake of it yeah with a Matt Dillon right or is it who helped me here Michael no no no no the remake was with uh Oh what's his name is gonna be the whole black guy dude this is gonna fire who was this guy I'm usually full of knowledge about crap like this and i'm still I'm still mating her way to call me Michael way to go Michael that you actually stumped Brian he knows everything so much more about movies than I ever pretend to yeah I never saw this one and I love those classic horrors yeah Colin Farrell call Farrell's like the villain in the new remake I can't imagine that that is any good Oh Anton Yelchin was in it well go lay down yeah we can't vouch for it because none of us watched it so for the time being Michael nicely done alright well I want to bring up a movie that they are gonna be remaking which I'm sad about that was very excited to watch over and over again on HBO was a big trouble little china uh that was like that is a perfect movie there's no point to remaking it I mean what it had everything Hank Russell since it's all right hand it had this guy shooting lightning out of his hands it was so cool and they played a weird video game with like all little yesterday odd creatures and the guy that kind of user they had new user weird finger gestures together get like they were like neon glowing warriors that fought each other as they controlled them what their finger is doing finger motions when I when I watched this movie I was like I didn't know you were allowed to make a movie this ridiculous like well that was the thing that couldn't even this this movie if if there wasn't a remake if this if they were trying to create movie like this I don't think would happen now it is no there's two main risks I mean to weird by all means it should have been animated it's basically a cartoon come to life oh yeah very good point I hadn't I think that's why I love it so much right and Kurt Russell was just absolutely inquiries at peeker Russell at that point it was really really good and yeah they could have totally screwed up the movie with jean-claude Van Damme or some other guy somebody who else was like a big 80s star like stallone maybe Arnold Arnold's aural 90s ladies was coming he was also a tease yes also a nice he did a lot of villains stuff in his early curve I wouldn't work though I mean whether the charisma that corozal had a movie he was perfect yeah in that movie Marcus in the chat says the last dragon I have no my god last dragon in a very long time yeah it is a class I love that movie as a kid I mean it hooked in perfectly with like my love of rap and martial arts all the same time a little bit blaxploitation a little blaxploitation yes talked about if they were enough because nothing is sacred these days if they were to remake it Wutang has to be on him right yeah I mean they've done so much with samurai aesthetic ya genre yep themselves in their own music and their lifestyle I could actually get on board if that was a pitch I have to go back and actually watch how that could be you that could be a worthy remake yeah i'd be down i just love the end we're like like the weed like they start glowing i guess i glowing theme was pretty big well in the 80s yeah it's all about neon lights that was a the pitch of that was a peak of special effects we're gonna turn the lights up yes exactly so to try to avoid being overly esoteric for folks that have never heard of the Last Dragon perhaps we should go and reference some of the best michael j fox and molly ringwald movie oh yeah because those were those were the king and queen of 80s movies I mean back to a future obviously as I did they never even connected right Michael J think sex in Mali we will never share the screen which is which is that should anybody help us go six degrees of Kevin Bacon on these two yeah I don't think they've actually yeah she done any projects that would have been the greatest superb and 80s movie of all I think they can still do it well yeah yeah they're both still around just call 80s movie he's movie yes it sounds like one of those terrible parody movies are you listen for the scary movie yeah I would still watch it I would still watch uh that would be great mugsy says weird science Williams says breakfast club speaking of molly ringwald Breakfast Club definitely Ringwald and weird science no no oh just thought it was another John Hughes yes yes definitely so all in the same circle you did what I mentioned at one point that was at the molly ringwald movie is it so sixteen Candles 16 candles with the incredibly offensive yeah even when I was watching as a kid and realized like that's that's not right this would the wrong with this was really bad dong oh jeez donga knows oh man and he fell out of a tree at one point I think it was suck under a glass table 1 like yeah I mean it was certainly very funny from the comedic relief standpoint but do they really have to amp up like just a racist territories yeah what was his line no Yankee my Winkie Oh as I'm getting my walking papers from my boss yes Cena oh my God look hr's sets us a different note now but like that's what's that's what's interesting I would guess about these movies is that like the rest of the movie like perfectly normal whatever break you know just casual this is a weird ejection of racism yeah you know like not a problem like let's just have this like really over the top asian character so if they ever did actually remake this movie no dong or like here Oh raise it like that dog no dong what else is on your topless guys uh you know what a tease just say just a treasure trove of so many awesome movies like whatever leaves I thought up Beverly Hills Cop best hands down from dnc really that what you think diehard isn't a nineteen eighty right on the nose yeah I write fast times at ridgemont high that's a great die hard I mean that is a great movie the indiana jones indiana jones and the raiders lost ark record of my success Little House on the Prairie you can buy success by the way it's like the quintessential like 80s it's the greatest look into what 80s culture was like right with every shoulder pads everyone was like aspiring to be climbing the corporate ladder being a suit versus being a mailman you know just I don't know I love them it was the bonfire of the vanities of 80s movies it really like quintessentially described on a roll over I don't know that was which was a movie yeah that was kind of a genre NAT self-made he's like the bootstraps film between that Glengarry Glen Ross um Wall Street ray movie um what was the movie where the kid was like riding the lawnmower and then like one more man no no no it was a kid it was like also excellent but i think that was 90 it was yeah and also a terrible i think that setback for a reality bike I'm talking about that was a leap weird no like oh this is VR forget it I don't want any of that oh mama man was amazing Riley what was it what was the move with the kid it was a kid it was a kid who was a mowing mowing a lawn and then like slowly like worked his way up the social ladder to like date the pretty girl in high school help us chat we're lost oh no I felt like an 80s moving can't buy me love can't buy me love yeah it was probably it thank you to Mugsy 191 night job but that's a one-way like also somewhat offensive that he didn't he buy basically paid the most popular girl in school to date him is that what happened and that way that's the premise of the movie the premise of the movies and female can't buy me love oh my god they had a falling love anyway that's right right man that is prostitution Lana 82 movies in retrospect boundaries there have you watched ghostbusters and just watch how often they're smoking cigarettes right it's kind of a weird thing now right to watch they yeah go back watch that people don't smoke cigarettes nearly as much but you know it's unfair for us 30 years later to apply to many know of our judgments on no I love all these movies Ghostbusters hands down one of my favorite films of all time yeah ariad that absolutely i watch that way too young most of the joke sword right over my head but it was all me in action it was actually the first scene was kind of freaky to me oh it was a librarian thing I was terrified I I couldn't in looking back I'm surprised my parents even let me watch but then you know you get to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man you like Oh everything's cool right and uncle that so sue me like favorite movie car above the Batmobile a bill of Knight Rider the ecto-1 wow I love her one and I loved o1a in the return ghostbusters 2 which holder Jeff Bakalar night Jeff Bakalar and I have conversations about this on the frequent Ghostbusters to severely underrated sequel it was the exact same script rehashed woohoo but in the realm of like this equal sucks ghostbusters 2 did not was that cause I was Thunder one will with the there was there was like the bad goop and yeah it was evil sly yeah yeah sludge actually I enjoyed it I i also like that moving as incredible as the the core cast is for Ghostbusters and full disclosure I got to meet Ernie Hudson and he's an incredible human being nice I got to pose with him in front of ecto-1 at comic-con a few years ago yes very nice best 30 bucks I ever spent forgot to pay the man I had to pay for this comic all you to pay for everything there yeah take my hand that's 15 bucks gee my favorite characters are the supporting ones from peter macnicol in ghostbusters 2 and as Janusz yes yeah Johnny where you from the upper west side but nothing no he was so convincing I honestly thought that's how he spoke like later on when he I saw him another role yeah like wait his accent totally changed what happened was accident right thing is from like Boston or something yeah I don't remember but nothing nothing like nothing Trump's Rick Moranis is Luis Tully English there's one and that was one of my best Halloween costumes I went as vince clortho keymaster of gozer volleyball children I Lord of the Cebu Leah Wow why nice and back a few years ago maybe not as fresh in my memory I used to get so completely blackout drunk that I could recite every line of his from the movies that's what you do when you get drunk that's pretty proud for some reason I'm gonna pass out throw uppy quote goes I default is to Rick Moranis hahaha and occasionally Michael J Fox impressive Michael Dolan props Bobby bound soundtrack that ghostbusters two one of the best of all times so as amazing as Ray Parker was Ray Parker jr. that Bobby Brown soundtrack are long with Run DMC I love that like Jack Swing yep yeah awesome sound rude anybody watch the remake of this though Yeah right I haven't watched it I watched it ouch for it was it wasn't a good remake uh not really it was not terrible I didn't go and wanted to hate it I had nothing against the fact that ooh like was an all-female cast actually like allowed to work I thought the movie was a little uninspired I mean it really did come rehash the pup lot of the first ones wasn't anything new yeah it's just like similar effects um yeah just sort of I mean that's a really difficult or it really is but don't use the cast cash no i don't but it's like a generation move oh absolutely like I was like you were like all right I like it and it wasn't you know oh yeah yes I saw the caster they're all funny women yeah and I love the work that they've done in past just that's I think that's why is doubly disappointing given the amount of talent there didn't work more call-outs from the chat the a-team even though did that ever get to be a feature film in the 80s and that is just the series and they made that they made them like hardcore reboot we're not really but remake movie uh revenge the nerds that was high yeah say teen wolf yet I i we did not say she wolf oh sure room as a terminator Oh teen wolf seawolf by the way which was filmed in South Pasadena my hometown was an excellent movie yes this was basically like parents expected places the Fae yeah this is this is what it was like first I still kind of cringe when I saw I see when you pull down here I was like ah yeah that hurts why don't you do that but I mean who else could do this I know they've got that series on mtv right now yeah but I've never watched Michael J Fox embodies this film totally he was the Prince of the 80s oh yeah you got it out it's not like yes Prince absolutely this was this is I feel is my hometown this is sometimes what I feel is lacking in movies these days is that there's so much of an emphasis on special effect i have JJ don't exactly how it looks yeah that that like you you don't get this like kitschy or campy or like small town for you there aren't as many risk being taken yeah I mean and there was a point in time when it was just okay to have some fun yep we didn't have to have that was the 80s yeah like that was the mess it didn't need to be a franchise it didn't even it didn't have a look a point to it badly yeah well it didn't need to make our Hobbs of money no there wasn't like a real pitch to her or if you heard the pitch it was ridiculous yeah you like no this is insane we're not gonna do this but yeah mateys they were like like look like Alice Buster's but Ghostbusters have been made today at one maybe Nate I mean if it was vegas it was brand new it was like there was no legacy behind it someone just came in like hey we want to make a movie about four dudes firing proton packs at ghosts they would have made it like a serious spin-off of like a paranormal activity type oh yes yeah right it would have been would have been our it would have been funny it would've been reading oh yeah remember those clusters itself started as a very different concept dan Aykroyd and held Ramos originally scripted it and worked with Ivan Reitman who kind of like helped them dial it back into this modern-day setting it was originally supposed to be about time travelers really really and there was an outer space element and it was truly bizarre and of course I was written on bore I'm glad that cut out yes well I was written for John Belushi so you put that element into the recipe he's like all right well they could pull that off yeah yeah but then they decided to make it more of like a contemporary exterminator agency and I personally feel that that was a better route to take absolutely well not only that but like if you're going to do an 80s time travel movie you're not really going to be back to the future I would think true I realize that all three Indiana Jones movies were into 80s Last Crusade was 89 yeah they did a remake like that that was also terrible that was a really bad that wasn't a remake oh it was a continuation as a sequel it was a sieve terrible mistake speaking of back to the future again our prints of the 80s mr. J Fox Mardan and now look at look at the the legacy that's come out of that that's not even truly a back to the future ash agency no no no Rick and Morty which is just a quick hi and love went to the job interesting I hadn't thought of that well I don't watch later ly that I don't want I don't yeah I don't watch the show you should give it a shot it's incredibly smart and I don't watch TV anymore yeah now with a kid yeah uh watch a lot of care bears hahahaha they're bears and Sophie terms of the cultural mouse and life cultural cultural touchstone that it is so there are the nike shoes they're the self-lacing shoes there's the fact that everyone celebrated the anniversary or not the adverse to the point in back feature to when they travel in the future which grinders not an 80s movie but still Pepsi now Pepsi now right and look at all this stuff that it's now like the products themselves are legacy kind of a bizarre concept yeah and seen a little bit apparently heavily Libyan terraces so that's still pretty they're still yeah relative they were dead on with a lot of stuff hey really really knew their stuff those uh those writers mugsy shouts out Charlie Sheen and no man's land and Michael Douglas as gordon gekko in wall street lights Gordon Gekkos amazing that wasn't one of the best icons of character of the 80s hmm I I never thought I'd like that movie as much as I did consider going to Jack about actual stock trading you don't need to know it's such a great character development driven film that I was floored by it just needed other motives greed man yeah agree they didn't they didn't over complicate it Larry is good well the other wall street or the other investing movie trading places oh you're gonna call that interesting oh my god is the last last half hour I mean yeah that is kind of weird like plot me the business degree to understand the conclusion of the climax of that movie right shorting frozen concentrate orangish a lightweight how does this work if you bet against the stock going upward like it was actually pretty complicated end to the movie right for another goofy movie too I mean yes I don't give it enough credit very little about investing but you really actually had to know your your business when he wanted to understand the ending that movie we want to make sure to call out a few people are calling us in the chat for this one of the most essential 80s movies and my mantra ferris bueller's day off which is what we're doing right now oh yes I made it happen any time I got very meta I mean I was not a cool kid in high school I didn't skip school and do cool stuff I skipped school and pretended I was Ferris Bueller by watching the movie over and over again well that that's pretty much the same thing that's about as cool as I got ya I never I never wore a suit when I ditched class I'll say that yes I never stole car one of the best like really kind of pioneered like the post-credit scene with the yeah your right knee in the bus right right and then the post post credits we might go get out what are you still doing here which des overstep pool did a nice little love come on mosh yeah that was incredible yeah super appropriate let my camera and go yeah I love that movie hello much oh well well we've got time I Conan oh yeah oh man the Barbarian which brian what's best in life to crush your enemies haha oh we are such geeks um speaking of failed remix now didn't know it was Aquaman Aquaman hands in the room it that's right aqua chaser moma yeah actually pretty good casting just come a terrible terrible movie again very generic and bland yeah that's what we're seeing with these remakes I think they're trying to be you know honest to the remake like they're trying to keep with what we saw back in the 80s people just want nostalgia I suppose but like maybe they're not changing them around too much yeah the same thing with Hollywood like they're not taking enough risk there's that there's that balance right you want to give them what they want I mean you make that argument for star wars the force awakens was basically was basically the original movie which I enjoyed while I was watching a but when you think back you're like well they really didn't do that much to change blondie you know the main characters a woman now instead of a man she comes from a desert planet and you know and they base I just heard right yeah watches her mentor got that star as far as I'm concerned most of these remakes are related in title alone they completely missed the the spirit and the theme yes um it's almost sort of a soulless remake I've seen a lot of these soulless remix which is sort of like going through the process yeah because they're literally out of ideas and they said this was a success once it'll probably do it again right and then they kind of make money off it and then it will never go away one of the few one-off movies there really aren't a lot of like big-budget one-offs these days again because Hollywood doesn't like taking risks the way that they used to I remember I watched inception and I was like oh yeah wow this is really incredible and there was no intention in that movie to create a second door right there's no franchise yeah and I that I think that script had been sitting around for a really long time and the reason it got made was because Christopher Nolan wrote it really don't we had and we basically have the cachet to say hey I'm gonna make the movie right but other than arthouse flakes which obviously are much much lower budget I don't move with the Quinn Tarantino he makes a lot of kind of outside movies and the studio's give him only way i would probably say inception well i was going to say inception was probably higher budget but kill bill was probably a pretty big budget movie so i'll be wanting yeah and blood alone until we spent ten million dollars on blood Mugsy says trading places with Jamie Lee Curtis at her best he also says a Clint Eastwood sudden impact do you feel lucky oh yeah wasn't that 70's though am i off I'm not sure that's like the internets yes oh here's a dark horse colors Sean Penn and Robert Duvall Wow I'm not seen that one Mugsy Phyllis in have you seen that I i feel like i have but i was too young to really appreciate it same Khamsin is yeah yeah yeah i remember i vaguely remember this a couple of scenes from that movie sudden impact was nineteen eighty-three sound okay right on up yes good call out I was not a big Clint Eastwood fan Beckham when I was a kid I just I just not my vibe like those he was all Dirty Harry movies were just not my thing he predated me a little bit yeah but I'm here Michael actor I've also liked his newer stuff a lot more yeah gran torino I thought was really good there were a kettle that I saw Michael Dolan breaks some old as we've been largely talking about more or less kind of campy eighties movies and he brings up Shawshank Redemption was an 80s movie no that was like 89 it could've been think it was 89 no way I've been 18 are we that old yeah geez we really are which by the way was was arguably one of the best movies puri that's why my favorite movies it is you're asleep being arguably best movies of all time it's basically basically any time it's on cable I have to sit down watch it yeah it's unavoidable and it's always enjoyable no it's timeless 94 94 well I felt like it was earlier than that too well we definitely ruin the show it's alright sorry guys it is still great thanks anyway Nolan you know what the shawshank redemption is so good that I transcends I'm going to say is still one of the best 80s it was an honorary 80's 90's and 2000's in person I wouldn't even call it it's it it really like it does another it's somewhat timeless yeah and i think that like the campy Verve is really what made those 80s movies a tsb i sees you know and like that's i can t see more or intense if we're gonna swing towards horror because that's when horror really started the kind of take off I mean there's a lot of different arguments I am NOT a historian of horror films but each decade does kind of have its own flavor and the 80s is when they started to get evil like super evil yeah they would get dark starting starting right beforehand with the Exorcist Oh crazy the exercise late 70s the thing was the thing in the south the thing was an 80s no thing was in the 80s and that is still one of my favorite horror films of all time that was a really I leave that was also Kurt Russell and I will be able to rustle too I loved the thing yeah this this absolutely traumatized me as a child and those special effects still hold up to today I actually watch this for the first time a couple years ago and was really impressed with the movie I thought it was I mean that's a yeah yeah yeah and I'll make the argument that in 2011 where they didn't quite remake this it holds up the the thing from 2011 which isn't technically a prequel although it did kind of rehash a lot of the same beats I thought that was just a really damn good well so there you go like generations answer to the question of a remake that's kind of quasi worth even though it wasn't really a remake really wasn't a remake but you think you could kind of like put a lot of the pages side by side and you can make the argument like this is kinda same I mean you could mean but the thing that gets me about it is no spoilers the ending of the thing 2011 is the perfect queue up to label it as the prequel to leading up to the original cool I will Lodge that I do recommend it if you can get past the over usage of CGI and pretend like it's the classic practical effects right you can get by on it but you have to pretend a little bit guys I have to get going soon yeah let's have other thing what do do as much as I'd like to keep talking about it we could do this all day literally um yeah let's that's a good place to wrap things up minion last questions we want to want to get any last recommendations Hoosiers who's yours yeah I'm another movie I haven't seen really no great bell but this is really a last man I'm getting I'm getting a whole list of movies member who's dr. Hoosiers Rudy Rudy I was not as hot on Rudy from Goonies yeah Bri Sean Astin is that Notre Dame football player yep no no was that from the 80s though it might have been girly noises Oh if we're gonna transcend we've already broken the genre yeah it's true just tying tying the notes together here at the end let's Joey's was basically also the 90s the chariots wait here as old as us yes they all pleaded to wildly bed and chariots of fire all right and child's play which they're doing again are they really hard when everyone no idea I mean look at all the rest of them from that and the when they kept the stretching out the Jason series mmm they are at their teeth in space yeah Jason actor at that point it completely transcends camp yeah I think that's the problem is like how much do people really want to see something that can't be remade people just like to see the same characters on ya on screen over they're not they're not gonna be can't be there all like the gritty reboot right ah mugsy thank you gremlins Oh gremlins yeah that's Christmas movie of all time laughing now diehards way better as the resident you here I would argue that neither of those movie 19 the 1980s we ruined Christmas I'm trying to steal movies all right all right let's wrap it up there that that very wintry note very appropriate you like anything you saw hurt here you'll never see or hear it here again yes thanks for suffering us today yes as we had different had nothing better to do while we're snowed in to the office but you could check out this podcast on cnet it's also available in itunes tune in stitcher SoundCloud feedburner and google play music stay warm everyone and we will see you all on monday thanks not you fine you
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