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Can Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive, text the fastest?

what's up Sina nation its CES 2018 live in Las Vegas i'm bryan song here with amana you're probably gonna recognize the fastest man alive mr. Usain Bolt what's up man thanks for coming out and I'm good after the beer thank you so much for coming out to the scene that stage first of all I know you pretty much just got in here from the Bahamas tell me a little bit about the weather there versus here right now the wait is the same thing pretty much the trough from from the states is just skating through the Caribbean right now it's kind of chilly but it's the Caribbean so still awesome always is this your first CES yeah it's actually my first year and uh have you you have you had a chance to walk around a little bit or not yes I just got here came straight here so a little bit later I'm gonna walk around and see what's going on cause all my friends keep saying you need to walk her on and see what's happening so you saw Sophia that robot what was it what were your first like good instincts about that man it's kind of freaky it was cool it was cool well it's kind of freaky that she she understood what's going on so I'm just watching we all watch our robot so we have to watch out now you're also here to talk about the Philips bass plus line we want to talk to you a little bit about that and then just talk about a whole bunch of other things what are you here for you know kind of represented talk about for me I'm just trying to let people know what I'm about if anybody knows me knows I'm all about music and I mean all about music I'm a DJ with track and field I listen to music all the time music is a part of me so after I have the best sounds at all times you know I mean so for me the the Philips bass plus in here is one of the things that works for me especially because I travel so much it's it has portable which is always key you know I mean we have six hours we have six hours on on on the but easily and then we have a extra six hours to charge so for me is like 12 hours and I travel everywhere constantly and I mean so bama's here then I go to South Africa I'm in Vegas so I keep moving so it's something that really works for me nice we have people that review headphones and I think you could have just taken all their jobs right now watch out what I do for me is easy but the overhead is one of my favorites because because of who I am and people always i watch to the airport people always just come up to me when I've no idea when after yearbook they come to me all the time you know I mean but when I have the overheads on they kind of leave me alone a little bit you know I mean so for me it's always it's always a good thing it's easy it flips in and out quickly so something I really enjoy and I really love it so something I'm working on uh you know I love you talk about music what are you listening to right now you know or they're artists right now that you that you're you're on that maybe people may or may not know about some that are local some some of that are not for me as a as a as a DJ a guy who listens to music on a regular ah I try to stick to every drawn of music you know I mean but I'm much into dancehall music I love to dance so on my favorite artists right now is ding dong and that's what we do so we dance a lot and we just have a good time do you have any music artists or songs that are guilty pleasures that people would be like I didn't I didn't think you saying listen to that there's gotta be everything I mean for me I try I try to keep it like I don't want it that way so uh in addition to music this is and you know you I'm sure you're using a lot when you're training everything this news just dropped out I don't know if you saw people writing a lot about this but you're going for a trial with you know with what about Lucia dortmund right the German professional football team oh that's pretty amazing so talk talk about that for me that's that's something that I'm retired from track and feed but I'm I'm a sports person you know I mean always watched over the years and I've always played soccer sure of my ear so something that I was like you know what I feel I could personally do so I decided that you know why not and my sponsor Boomer sponsors our birth chadar mind and I say you know what comfort Charles and the Charles when I would go to the child will determine what I do exactly with my crazy folly it up or if I don't so we see what happens is is the trial happening in March like they they're reporting so where are you with that just physically and skill-wise how do you feel about it straining yeah I'm trying to get back into shape uh you know I mean and I see no as I said you gotta keep listening to your music pump me up you know that keeps going that's when I use my wallets the most so it's something that I'm focused on and I'm gonna get there because I really want and when I want something I really pushed myself to be the best I can be oh I didn't notice that at all the other thing about a you training everything I heard really is it's kind of a step to your dream of playing for Manchester United is that what man you is that is that one of those things that's something that would be a big dream for me and I mean I'm a massive fan of Manchester United so if I could get into the team you know I mean even for one season it would be a dream come true just to play with the guys just to play at Old Trafford there it would be something big so we see what happens when Marsh come we'll determine a lot of things I think a lot of people gonna be watching that I mean this is it's exciting to know that you're gonna be in a position to try this this is pretty awesome yeah a lot of people have been saying are you serious about it something like yeah why don't people think I'm serious and I mean there's something I want to do so I'm gonna go out and do my best for sure times now what about let's just pretend and imagine that you scored a goal for a man you we know there's a lot what would be the pose would it be something different or the same or way what do you think if you took yourself there like we vision the future like for the first time I remember the first time I want to go don't limp a gold medal I didn't know what to do you know I mean so I know that's exactly what's gonna happen in your mind you're like alright I'm gonna do this pose I'm gonna do distance but as soon as you score that goal you're gonna lose it I mean you're not gonna remember anything because that that jar is gonna just take over I probably just run the whole pitch so let's see uh the other thing that we wanted to try and do I don't know if you're game for this but we know you're the fastest man alive right really yeah oh yeah I heard I heard we know we like your tip you're on your phone right you text message and stuff we wanted to see if you wanted to challenge me to a text messaging speed contest now I'll explain how this goes and you can choose to accept or reject this okay I've never said we I haven't seen the cents but we've collected a sentence that they actually have a contest every year yeah like the national text speed challenge whatever so we're gonna put a sentence up here and we're hoping that you and I what the goal is to type out this sentence that we'll both be able to see whoever finishes it first and accurately will win the contest you saying are you ready all right you say is gonna do it all right guys make some noise doing right applause all right so we're gonna bring it up a third party kinda like a referee to so Andy come up on stage my man and let's uh I don't know what do you use notes or what would you like to use to type in the text I can do notes okay let's do notes all right so this is is this your first ever text me challenge I fit I mean I figured it's better this is my first two okay so let me open up a note here it's totally blank all right let's hold these out so people can tell is there totally blank all right um in the back of you could put up I guess the first sentence we can turn our chairs this way to a C Vasto lie okay good okay hey you guys wanna play it homey get your phones out and play at home everyone watching online it's not like it's gonna be brown dog my place brown fox or whatever okay that's what up you say this awesome yeah exactly I mean okay so the fitted bass is awesome I don't you know I'm not gonna be able to do this either okay all right so Andy wants you to come over here and give us the three two one and again the goal is to try to be accurate I'm not good at this either I mean he's already going isn't in his brain let's keep this clean gentlemen are you ready no go go jeez okay this is bad what is going on here clothes I'm like shaking already I'm like I don't want to lose this the genera what is that right I someone made it I go loser no I don't think I don't know if you are oh my god where are you at what's your word out right now I already get a typo come on okay make it forever we're gonna get this is an official okay this is hard I'm on the last cent to do better be you better be close to that bro oh my god I just finished no I just keep on but I mean I may not have it right he's good okay um Andy can you please do your zone okay so if you can verify that we read these one by one yeah let's rate l'bri oh wait wait that means I have to read all these I have to read this out I can't tell that pyah pyah pyah Oh goober Boutrous piranhas of the general Sarah's Sarah Sarah is salamis and the most ferocious that screen went dark in the reality they seldom attack a human yeah okay we had about three mistakes there ah he would I guess you razor-toothed piranhas in the generous looks like you got us well I totally like it took autocorrect off all right the no oh no mine I was up mine was autocorrected oh we're too I ended up forgive reality they film you back I'm trying to write you say an iPhone or an Android after this like I got sponsors to present alright hey man thank you so much for coming and hanging out with us and get a good time fastest man alive oh we'll be watching your football endeavors it's gonna be amazing fill space plus you say thank you so much everyone round of applause for you saying alright thanks my man I appreciate it thanks private phone alright alright thanks again for B we'll see that today we're gonna go take a quick break and then Lexi will be back here to show us another robot that might be able to help you sleep better stick with us
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