Can the PicoBrew Pico automatically make good beer?
Can the PicoBrew Pico automatically make good beer?
the $800 peak over Pico wants to
simplify the process of brewing beer
here's how it works
you order a Pico pack online which is a
set of prepackaged ingredients meant for
brewing Pico Beck's cost around 20
dollars depending on the type of beer
you want once you have it all you need
to do is stick it in this plastic bin
push the bin into the Machine and hit
start but it's not getting started
that's the complicated part after the
beer cooks you have to transfer it to a
different gag you have to let it cool
down you have to throw yeast in there
you have to let it ferment so don't
expect a quick turnaround that's all
fine but it's still easy to make
mistakes and introduce infection when
brewing with the Pico brew Pico it
doesn't help you control the temp during
fermentation at all and after it cooks
your beer it asks you to set your warts
your unfermented beer out overnight to
cool and that really worries me our
first beer antes London al didn't turn
out very good but I had high hopes for
the second beer we made buffalo sweat an
oatmeal cream stout from tall grass
brewing we actually did a blind taste
test with buffalo sweat using the Pico
variety versus the canned commercially
made buffalo sweat here's how it turned
Cheers this is a right interesting
smells like beer there's some foam on
there it's very sweet it's got a weird
kind of sweet note to it thick it's
pretty good it's kind of uh taste like
it's kind of old man like I don't know
kind of like funky this one maybe tastes
like it's I've been open and just
sitting and chilling a little bit I
think he is from the can and he a is
from the peak over I would guess that a
was the can I would say this is the can
and this is from the Pico brewery
I would guess that the that the first
beer the one I didn't like came from
Pico brew and the second beer the more
balanced one that tasted like a
professionally brewed beer to me so I'd
say that that was the canned beer I
don't know it's torn I don't know
overall because the flavor in this one
was better I'm gonna say this one this
one again my assumption is if everything
worked the way it was intended in this
universe this would probably be Pico
brewed versus the camp so the good news
there is that Pecos Buffalo sweat did
fool a couple of people but it still
didn't taste similar to the original
variety and that's the goal
if you live in a region without access
to good beer this might help you expand
your horizons so despite the fact that
it is a cool idea
I don't rod Lee recommend the $800 peak
of rapido
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