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Canon EOS Rebel T5i: Same as it ever was

the Canon EOS Rebel t5 is in many ways identical to its predecessor the t4i Canon updated the camera pretty much to be able to ship with the newer 18 to 55 millimeter STM lens that's optimized for video and autofocus and is lots cheaper than the 18 to 135 millimeter version that debuted with the system there's some small enhancements it's got a new finish and grip the mode dial now rotates 360 degrees and there's an additional scene mode and now you can do real-time shooting with creative filters and preview them in live view oddly I also found the buffer handling much better during continuous shooting for improved burst performance so really the t5 is an upgrade over the t4i it's just a replacement in the product line well very lightweight I still find the rebel body a little plastic you feeling but can it's slowly working out the design kinks the 360 degree mode dial rotation is nice although with the movie mode on the power switch it's not as critical as it used to be and more I use the touch screen than where I like it it's very responsive and the interface is well designed especially for shooting video on the other hand I still really hate the tiny autofocus points in the viewfinder you can't see them until you pre focus at which point realized that you're looking too high or too low Nikon switched to AF areas for the d50 200 now it's your turn Canon also I'm still not crazy about the flat buttons the camera tends to disappoint on the features front as well it's got the basics you'd expect from a $700 body blacks a lot of modern options like GPS or Wireless it's also missing interesting traditional features like time-lapse multiple exposure and intervalometer the performance is about the same as the t4i but I found it could maintain a fast clip at bursts shooting this go-round compared to the t4 eyes slowdown after just a few shots contrast autofocus with the 18 to 55 millimeter STM lens seems only to be marginally faster than the standard 18 to 55 millimeter lens and with improvements in competitors contrast AF systems cannons special lens requirements starting to look even less appealing a lot of people are happy with the t4i this is pretty much the same camera I'll be it with the cheaper kit entry price point it's a good option but so is the d50 200 and I actually think that the g52 hundreds video is a little better on the other hand I think the t5i has a better shooting interface for video I'm Laurie grinning and this is the Canon EOS Rebel t5i
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