hi I'm Wayne cutting them here at the
geneva auto show sitting mostly in the
McLaren 675 LT and McLaren has shown a
lot of energy in the last few years
releasing model after model but mostly
they've been refining the same basic
idea this car the 675 LT is a further
refinement of the 650s which was
released last year it uses many of the
same part McLaren says sixty-six percent
of the same parts between this and the
650s but this one is 100 kilograms
lighter that's about 220 pounds it's got
a more powerful engine it uses the same
3.8 liter v8 as the 650s but they've
tuned it for more power 666 horsepower
here 641 horsepower from the 650s so
that combination of lightweight and more
power is going to make this just a
faster car now the LT in this car's name
stands for long tail which is a
reference to one of mclaren's older
historic cars in this case the long tail
refers to the air brake which is fifty
percent larger than the air brake in the
650s that's a flap in the back of the
car that raises up when you hit the
brakes helps you slow down in a corner
so if you want a faster McLaren now the
675 LT is your go-to models
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