
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Cars of the future zoom into CES

look closely and you'll notice something missing from this BMW i8 Concept car mirrors the two side mirrors have been replaced by cameras with two additional cameras on the back the rear view mirror is now a screen instead of just single images from each camera they've actually fused the image to one display this actually looks like the imagery from a single camera and it's showing everything that's behind me the updated VW Microbus nicknamed buddy is also missing a traditional car feature door handles let me see if I cannot open up this side door so I'm just gonna put my hand right here the all-electric concept vehicle also lets you open the trunk with your foot but gesture control can do more that open and closed doors with a wave of your hand you can park a BMW concept car using an apple watch a special app detects the motion of the gesture and authorizes the car to start parking via the cloud it's always activation like that and to get the car in the parking space it's like the the tennis forehand and to get it out its activation again and then like waving two times towards yourself to close without using your hands you'll someday be able to get your house ready for your arrival with just your voice so from inside our vehicle we could control our connected smart home devices Alexa turn on my kitchen lights okay Alexa turn on my TV okay a partnership between Ford and Amazon would put the virtual personal assistant Alexa into vehicles for the first time for more car tech news and reviews visit and Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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