petition for Electoral College to pick Clinton is largest ever petition for Electoral College to pick Clinton is largest ever
an online petition to make Hillary
Clinton President of the United States
has become the largest petition ever at more than 4.6 million people
have signed the online petition which
urges members of the electoral college
to ignore their states boats and cast
their ballots for Secretary Clinton
instead of Donald Trump it's been nearly
a month since Trump was declared the
winner of the election but the election
isn't technically over yet on December
nineteenth if the Electoral College cast
votes in the way that their respective
states voted Trump wins the petition
calls for those Electoral College
members to ignore their States votes
arguing that Trump is unfit to serve and
that more people wanted Clinton
presidents since she won the popular
vote it could happen but it's not likely
there have been instances of some
electors not voting for the candidate
their state wanted but it has never
changed the outcome of an election
before that's according to
so how big is this particular movement
to compare the second largest petition
on took more than three years
to collect about half as many signatures
it's to shut down a dog meat festival in
China I'm Bridget Carey you can keep up
with the latest tech news at cnet com
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