how would you like to charge your
smartphone your wireless speaker or any
other wireless device without using a
charger at all
I'm Jessica Dahl Court from CNN and I'm
going to give you a quick demo of a new
kind of technology that we're not going
to see for a couple of years but it's
really cool so I have to show you anyway
this comes from a startup called why
charge is very simple we've got a
transmitter in the ceiling it could
eventually be tucked into a light bulb
or you know any other fixture and then
on this smartphone here we've got a
receiver in the device right now this is
just a demo so it's in the case
basically infrared light beams from the
transmitter to the receiver on this
device and it will charge it so imagine
that you are in an airport or your own
home or in a coffee shop all it means is
that you can take whatever the device is
say a phone and drop it anywhere within
that range and it will automatically
start charging so that means you never
have to worry about your battery life
wherever the system is in place now the
devices will charge as long as it's
within line of sight from the
transmitter as soon as you cover that up
it stops now the range is going to be
between 15 and 30 feet the distance from
the transmitter to the receiver but it
will cover an entire room and you can
charge multiple products at the same
time there are a lot more details so
make sure that you check for
more now I know you're dying to know
when you're going to start seeing this
in your own devices well the first
generation will come to the smart home
in 2016 and then for other devices like
smart phones after that in 2017 but at
first you're going to start seeing the
receiver embedded in aftermarket cases
and dongles things like that and then
later on some of the makers will also
start embedding it into their own
devices so you don't even have to worry
about that that's it for this demo of
why charge you can find out much more
about the technology at
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