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Common battery myths that need to die (You're Doing It All Wrong!)

if you're following some long outdated battery myths you're doing it all wrong batteries are everywhere so it's no surprise that so many theory is about how they work and what you should do with them have made the rounds for instance you've probably heard that you should store batteries in the fridge or you should let them completely die before charging them up again or my favorite you could be careful not to overcharge them well none of these things are actually true let's start with overcharging most batteries and smart phones and laptops are smart enough to know when to stop charging so once they're completely charged power will be cut off and what about letting your battery die completely before charging it up again actually if you let your batteries drain everyday you'll reduce their effectiveness over time finally you don't you just fully charge the device the first time you get it this came from the olden days when fully charging a device helped the battery calibrate today most batteries calibrate themselves so you can go ahead and fully charge but you're mostly just wasting your time and now you're doing it right
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