hello everybody I'm linois associate
editor at Cena and this is Steve Madison
creative type director at monotype
imaging now Steve has designed countless
typefaces for many popular devices
including the Xbox kindle and Windows
Phone steve i know you have a lot of
strong opinions about fonts so let's get
right into it what do you feel about the
fonts featured in the ipad apple uses
Helvetica in their mobile devices in the
iOS and helvetic was designed in the 60s
for large use for posters and signage it
really wasn't meant to be used at small
sizes for legibility reasons it's very
tightly spaced the shapes kind of close
in on themselves and so it really isn't
the ideal quick glance user interface
typeface now what kind of devices do
fonts very well I I was involved with
the Android project and I believe that
their approach was very good to have a
open open humanist style sans-serif as
the main user interface font here you
can see on this keypad the lowercase e
is very open lower case a is very open
in the numbers especially in the
Helvetica style typeface there's a lot
of ambiguity in the 6 8 3 and the 9 they
can be very confusing for someone who's
trying to dial a phone and everything's
vibrating and moving so the the open
forms of the Android sands design are
personally what I would use for
legibility and another font that you've
designed for legibility would be the
fonts that are featured in Windows Phone
is that correct yes absolutely and how
are they different from the droid phones
the windows design was done first back
in the about 2003 and with the same idea
in mind and keeping things very legible
and neutral not adding too much
personality but not being so cold and
impersonal that people don't want to use
it for Windows Phone we made some
adjustments to the design to make it a
little bit more contemporary because
after all it was seven years ago or
eight years ago that we first worked on
the sigo design so we made it a little
bit more contemporary for the
the Windows Phone platform and again
with this design there's open forms
there's a little bit more curvature a
little bit more playfulness than the
original sigo design that was done for
Microsoft well thank you so much Steve I
really appreciate you coming out of it
absolutely thank you
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