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Corsair Voyager Air is an excellent mobile storage solution

hi guys donal here and this is the Voyager air from Corsair now this is a purple drive with a built-in battery and a Wi-Fi network so you can connect up to five Wi-Fi devices to it such as laptop tablet or smartphone and stream data from it now the idea is not new because on the market has been other devices with the same features such as the G connect from G tech or the Wallace Plus form seeded now you can see the car is similar but the courser here manages to be quite different first its come in red now it's important because it kind of matches my t-shirt now what make it's really different the fact that it come with feature that the other two individually doesn't have for example the G connect here comes with a network port but doesn't have a battery on the inside and the Wallace plus here come with a barrier inside actually very good battery but no net report so this is a device that come with everything you asked for for mobile storage device it comes with a built-in Wi-Fi network a built-in network port and a built in battery with up to seven hours of battery life almost everything you can ask for and of course it's also work as a regular bus power purple drive when connected to a computer using the included USB 3.0 cable now the best view of the voucher is of course as a mobile media server with up to one terabyte of storage space you can basically transfer your entire library onto it and print on the go and then you can stream photo music document video to your tablet and smartphone and what-have-you it comes with a voucher a mobile app for Android iOS and Kindle Fire devices to make the streaming and matching is feature an easy job I don't know about you but for me this mean I can bring with me the entire catalog of Michael Ball for my money nothing is more effective than what hissing when a man women so romantic so sentimental and so many good memories all right now back to the Voyager on the front here you can see it have two on/off switches one for the power and the other for the Wi-Fi signal I actually realized the fact that the on and opposition are clearly marked with other devices such as the Wallis plus there's only one power button I have to press and hold and hope that you hold there long enough or press quick enough for it to work as expected another good thing about the Voyager air is the fact that it comes with a car charger and also a traveling pouch at the cost of two hundred and twenty dollars for one terabyte or a hundred and eighty dollars for 500 gigabyte I think the new device here is quite a good buy but for more on that have to check out the full review and do some reading and when you're there make sure you follow me on Twitter Facebook or Google+ and that's because I am dumb no and this has been the first look at the Voyager air from Corsair and by the way this is just a free t-shirt
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