the iPad air is the thinnest and
lightest version of Apple's full-sized
tablet it also has a faster processor
better front-facing camera and as I'll
show you today a completely flip-flopped
internal hardware layout I'm Bill
Detweiler and this is cracking open the
2013 iPad air is thinner narrower and
slightly shorter than the iPad 4 it also
weighs nearly half a pound less Apple
didn't upgrade the AERS Retina display
rear-facing camera 802 11 ny5 or the
home button no touch ID sensor here but
they did give it the company's new
64-bit a7 processor their m7 motion
coprocessor an upgraded FaceTime HD
camera and a new battery
they also redesigned the internal
hardware layout which changes slightly
how you crack open the air compared to
previous iPads so let's get to it
to begin opening the air I use the heat
gun set on low to loosen the adhesive
that holds the front panel to the
aluminum case then starting from the
lower left corner I use the series of
the thin tools to gently pry the panel
off be very careful around the lower
right corner and along the right edge
there are several thin ribbon cables
here that connect the front panel to the
motherboard now I won't be able to
completely remove the panel till I take
out the display so I'll fold it over
facedown for now next to come out are
the screws that hold the LCD in place
and then the display itself
I can now disconnect the front panel
from the motherboard and give us our
first unobstructed view of the device's
internal hardware to facts jump right
out first and not surprisingly given the
placement of the front panels connector
cables Apple flipped the internal
hardware layout the battery is now on
the left and the motherboard is on the
right also the SIM card slot and
cellular components have been moved to
the lower right corner
lastly the air has a slightly smaller
two cell battery
unfortunately that battery and all
the other components including the
motherboard and their connector cables
are held to the metal case with a lot of
adhesive forcing them loose could damage
them and I want to put this unit back
together in working order not destroy it
so at this point I'm going to call it a
day when it comes to performance and
design Apple is definitely moving the
ball forward with each iPad iteration
and the air is no exception but when it
comes to repair ability they're actually
going backwards now I know most
consumers don't usually care about how
easy their devices are to fix but I've
seen enough cracked screens broken LCDs
and waterlogged devices to know that
people often do care when faced with a
costly repair now for more information
on the iPad air including real-world
tests and pricing check out Tim
Stevens's full CNET review to see more
teardown photos and read my full
Hardware analysis go to TechRepublic
comm forward slash cracking open I'm Gil
thanks for watching
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