it's tuesday march twenty seventh and
you are experiencing the grave podcast
i'm donna bell hey barek Franklin hi
buddy cha cha cha's a little stuffed up
uh that'll be great you really yeah you
should no no no look this is the episode
where we actually just completely keep
it real yeah because this is the final
chapter is it yeah okay so you say final
chapter what do you mean I mean this is
the end of the great podcast this is it
hmm there's been a hey show some respect
all right no I yet the trumpet can play
during the moment of silence alright but
looks like he's saying live long and
prosper yeah we brought out we brought
all the toys we brought all the guys yep
my um my spirit nail your friend my
spirit animals Admiral shot bar over
here we've got okay just came out maybe
you've got it my keep on my bond oh I
don't want think my space oh I keep on
lost oh god he's lost his crown uh and
then what's your spirit animal over
there my spirit animal is uh pure evil
he's a demon of the ancient world as i
was telling Bonnie her right ah he's a
Balrog Oh God it's pretty great um so
I'm glad everyone could make it to this
yes this last episode yeah we're not
kidding no really I if you haven't heard
the news many of the creator of the cnet
podcast are hanging it up I think a lot
of them are going off next week yeah you
know it let's let's give you time to
mourn them separately than us we're
giving you a morning yeah morning
morning morning plus it gives us more
time to start doing the next thing yeah
and then we can surprise you with extra
awesomeness earlier than the other hand
we can get the jump on them this
basically what were why we're doing this
let's be honest I've been doing this
podcast for two years now pretty much
just to entertain myself yeah you know
yeah so you guys were entertained as a
result then then bonus cool yeah that
was the entire about that that was the
entire office asst right it's like well
if I can just talk about stuff that I
like and find entertaining then other
people will feel that excitement
possibly through my excitement about it
yeah exactly i mean it has no bearing in
their life or any kind of practical use
or purpose right and it's brought us
this far um it has this is pretty far
actually feel kind of great that we
didn't get cancelled specifically yeah
we got cancelled in in a collective yeah
maybe they were just being nice to us
and we
that's what i was thinking like oh me
they just really didn't want to bring it
i really don't want to hurt Donald
feeling holiday mine's the world to him
diculous like was tied into his
personality they had self-esteem really
closely it's like they just kind of make
it up every week not even plan it's not
even a good show it's not in the first
place yeah yeah listo honey I know uh
yeah thanks for doing that because it
helps preserve my ego yeah self-esteem
yeah but there will still be the 404 so
don't worry there's still plenty of good
podcast around reporters roundtable
still going to be around yeah it's gonna
be I think retooled or something like
that right little different maybe than
what it is now is what I heard I think
the thing to be excited about is that
also take away those big scene the cnet
scene at TV news com all this sixth
floor cnet awesomeness that we have here
is all being cranked up to 11 right yeah
and we're putting ourselves into more
useful and amazing purposes yeah yeah
there is there is some there is a silver
lining here a pretty fix over line I
would say and that you just mention it
no I think the thick silver lining is
what we'll call this no actually I'm
calling this episode 100 because we
almost made it to 100 yeah yeah and that
feels more worthy of a final upgrade
yeah crave epic rave 82 and so 100 an
episode 100 I like it alright it's
clever but we did nothing special this
is just another episode of crave your
friends yes as such I will introduce the
first topic of conversation here which
I'm actually excited about this is a big
kids ever wanted to connect your wiggle
this is the free universal construction
kit it is a universal adapter that
adapts all the disparate kinds of kid
block toys and construction toys
together so they can all coexist and you
don't even buy it you just have it 3d
printed on like a maker by machine that
that therein lies the free part of the
free universal construction right you
got to buy the
leaving the printer though right yeah
but that never sauce can you like go to
a place that has a 3d printer and like
make something if ya what that place to
their places like tech shop week okay
yeah yeah okay cool so you can make that
happen but this is this is great I mean
this is always like the law as a father
of a three-and-a-half-year-old this is
one of the things that big you come face
to face with is that you have a floor
full of toys that eventually they're all
going to get mixed together yeah you
know of course so instead of fighting it
and trying to contain all the Legos and
lincoln logs and other stuff into their
separate bins when you clean it up why
not just have them all just get along
yeah it's one shared universe is what's
going orgy of toy bits yes all weekend
your kids clean but I mean you know it's
this probably a weird twisted kind of
perverted thrill of you know connecting
a zoom into a lego right cuz it
shouldn't be but it is now with this I
don't want to touch this one no it's
like that Hank yeah man no it's the last
show and all that still away so the real
doll grown-ups like playing with LEGOs
and lincoln logs and korea to battle zoo
yes yeah I I don't know yeah sure this
this combines all that stuff but as a
kid I never had a problem mixing my
universes my toy universe has never had
a problem with you know cobra attacking
castle grayskull you know or the
transformers you know defending against
you know snake mountain or something
like that sorry but this is a little
different you couldn't you can literally
abandoned by them right yeah right and
they make stuff like that banging which
is well you know that is it could be any
to whatever you want it to be that there
you go yeah I have no imagination I'm
old so this is not for me
that's what I'm saying I'm excited all
right all right I'm also excited for
this this is the fish clip believe it
it's not for clipping fish believe that
no it's not like a it's a it's a way to
it's like a bad clip but instead of it
being like a like going across a seam of
the bag it just cinches it off like
bunch it together yeah like a caveman
you just like grab your your sack of
chips and I just what is this let me
clips it off will you like that rat ce
o-- holds it yes and it's just like cute
little fish yeah whole thing but it's
apparently really tight yeah and it's
really good for like freezer stuff like
if you have a bag of I don't know frozen
chicken nuggets or something yeah like
cinches it so you don't have all that
freezer burn oh yeah it makes it
airtight yes okay yeah I do this all the
time where it's like I will open up like
a bag of frozen vegetables Justin like
that instead of like even finding
something to clip it I just kind of
twist it yeah like hoping like Ray that
it's eat off it in the bag you know
hopefully holder I cram it into the back
of the freezer the more likely it will
stay fresh sure I'm sure that's how it
work uh hopefully the actual package
will freeze in that position ok don't
worry about imprinted in yeah exactly
yeah this is cute yeah not high-tech
obviously but uh life-changing yeah and
but they're kind of pricey like five
bucks a pop I think but I think you get
three jumps Parkman has some at his desk
and they came in a package of all I know
is that it just parchment is excited
about this there's reason to be excited
yeah if he's exactly anything you should
get behind it not touching that yeah uh
also exciting this goes into the make it
yourself I should have put this with the
the legos adapter because this is a DIY
project but nonetheless let's talk about
it doesn't even have a name it's like a
draw bot this is like last week we were
talking about
that was it the draw do not I think
we're talking about that last we did a
little lever little draw draw do uh it
was like a draw bot that like you just
like hooked it up and it would draw like
cute little things and response to your
Twitter feed or I don't we talk about
all the stuff we are in different parts
you cheating on us maybe wasn't it raw
deal it was a piccolo or something like
that yeah the piccolo hammer right yeah
there's two couple shows ago you find it
so piccolo that the music miss Sherman
piccolo no with a different thing anyway
for you Robert piccolo bail me out oh oh
yeah there you go I really build I the
point I'm trying to make here is that
drawing robots automatic drawing
machines are a thing they're like a
right thing now yeah and here's one that
you can make with two old turntables you
might not be using anymore you set them
up in opposite directions you connect
some kind of articulated pieces of wood
with them and a sharpie and you get this
kind of freaky to watch yeah just the
kind of relax wave gotik yeah you can't
program it to draw specific things right
it just draws random I think it depends
on what records you put on you know like
if size of the rivets like Mac in the
mood right yes like you could put like
herb alpert on one and then h town on
the other and i'm sure what with the
combination like a trumpet a burrito and
a boot or like a butt sound like a
trumpet like a bud with a chomping
coming out there and a tijuana taxi cab
uh yeah so this is a high oh university
student put this together and amazing
that has not occurred until now yeah
because it's not using any technology
that you couldn't have gotten like 30 40
years ago wait yeah so good on you just
goes on like that yep yep
okay whatever it's you you're in the art
printing business at that point you just
get a little get a little stand out at
the local farmers market yeah so your
draw bot drawings you probably been some
ception school liberals it they should
be buying this from you draw tando like
hemp or something like that right yeah
yes use some soy based ink cheats ahem
yes yeah exactly give it out in I like
it um but should you not want to do that
you really want to fashion your hemp
drawings without the aid of technology
you could be Bonnie cha hey sexy 24 hour
withdrawal of technology that you
subjected yourself dad but the National
Day of unplugging right he took the
pledge and they stuck to it all right so
how how and why why is mom can I
actually do this and um kind of a
challenge personal challenge yeah yeah
but I mean it it started at sunset on
Friday and first couple of hours were
rough cuz I I should have put my phone
away but it was within eyesight yeah and
did you instinctively grab at any point
you know but I wish I'd taken an ax to
your phone or something I am i bugging
plugging yeah um no but I it like I was
trying to like reason with myself I'm
like well what if I just turn it on and
not you know reply to text message you
can still see them but I can just see it
and pop up everyone no that's cheating
yeah kept it off um I was talking with
you the next day cuz you were gonna take
a picture for the story and I was and
actually talking with him not actually
right but I wanted to bail I was like uh
it was raining that day ready to use a
phone no no we set it up friday before
the whole she did a ring our doorbell
which technically is technology yeah
i'll let you have that all right yeah um
but yeah that morning I was like oh I
figured out a photo I can do
at home I don't need Eric to take a
photo but there's no way I could get in
touch with you to be like I know coming
out of it expecting she dead no you can
send a carrier pigeon yeah so I took him
over and I mean it was great it was
funny and we had a good talk yeah we
actually talked we did we'd just sit
down and syntax each other like we
usually do right now so we actually
talked and conversations but it was good
and the hardest part was riding the bus
without my music uh-huh there was wells
expiries like thousands of despair I
know yeah there's no buses for sure yeah
a couple buses were fine but there was
one when I was going to dinner that
night there's one girl telling her
college friends like just drink water in
between drinks and you'll be okay Oh
wake up in some stranger's home again
haha his drink water and then there was
another guy just shouting into his phone
he wasn't even arguing you just like was
like look you know the guy the people
who like bring their phone down in the
mouth and then bring it back to the ear
yeah he's on the walkie talkie was he
saying over after everything he said
before good money no um and then there
was another guy he was just like
watching a movie without the headphones
on oh my god i always wonder if I'm that
guy sometimes I'll you ever do this
where you double check to make sure your
headphone cable is like really connected
in there or I dig your hands off you
like i'm just making sure yeah yeah i do
do that yeah i'm yeah i'm listening to
or the like sometimes like party rock
anthem will come on like make sure no
one else can hear I'm necessity do it
like totally guilty pleasures like his
jacket because one of the what I mean I
think it's actually me giving those
people more credit than their than
they're worth because I maybe
accidentally they're watching the movie
without with the speakers right yeah
they've landed on their headphones or
something and sure somehow they fell off
their head and game on they have noticed
it so did you find yourself being like
more aware of other people using
technology because of it you're like
I'm at me not really like I towards the
end of saturday i was like I wasn't even
thinking about it were you then looking
down on people for their addiction that
judging man i was like no you weren't
feeling a little sleepy mostly because i
was trying to look out the window just
riding big Oh a happy place am I gonna
scaring these people when I would go
give my kids no but Twista at night like
I wasn't craving it as my turret you
know compared to the beginning room like
I need a tournament yeah so your
withdrawal period lasted like a few
hours yeah yeah which was surprising I
want to see some like time-lapse version
of this day we're like it starts off
with Bonnie just like ah that it ends
with her like Victorian garb and writing
with like a feather and like an inkwell
getting totally used and not having
balladeer just looking like the envelope
and like some old papyrus handcrafted
envelope on some hand pressed paper
letters right next year next year make
sure that well I hope that is a sign of
the the kind of life affirming
experience that Cray podcast listeners
can hell yeah and withdrawals that
they'll certainly be having won this
time gasps yeah yeah now you see it now
they know how useful we could be and
actually then the next piece i have here
may actually be appropriate for them
this is a manual typewriter i have this
in that i do not crave category but now
that I'm thinking about it in this
unplugged world maybe I would crave this
okay it's a little bit of an odd of an
odd thing is it's being made and sold by
Hammacher Schlemmer purveyor of wacky
technology and when his aims wacky names
um it's a actual like fully functional
standard typewriter nothing there no USB
ports no hooks yeah yes yes if you want
by an old school typewriter again you
can for two hundred dollars what's our
dollar yeah wasn't honest because they
can and people actually pay for this
right well as much as how you can
convince me anyone buys anything from
the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog uh yeah
I guess so I feel like it's a misguided
thing to like capitalize on like the
retro turntable phenomenon you know
we're like hip kids are buying up
turntables to listen to vinyl maybe
those same hipsters are going to want to
go out and buy themselves an old tiny
typewriter well they would if is they
get it the goodwill for like eight bucks
right you know or to end it out not for
a brand new one for 200 bucks that kind
of ISA purpose doesn't it like I feel
like most most real hipsters Donald yeah
those real hipsters aren't gonna get
behind something like this right they
want like that vintage yeah this is kind
of isn't your deer head into poser
territorial especially it's like it's
all encased in plastic I mean a lot of
typewriters were but it's not even
stretching for like an an old antique
typewriter type things it looks like it
was just thrown off of some IBM you know
yeah yes looks like a lenovo typewriter
I hope that was anything but you know if
you've got no other option and we really
do have a tech pakka lips that will
force us to go back into the typewriter
era this is what you got that's you're
gonna be text messaging on this thing
Elam's about yeah the faster than text
messaging with my fone bone all right
for our last piece for our last show
thankfully we have a viewer feedback
saying that we have this is from Blessid
bless said send less was uh we have
apparently opted to clear my throat for
this one you guys have the best podcast
on cnet Bonnie just added a little bit
of extra to balance off the perv aspect
that I love keep up the great work we
will we won't oh but thank you for the
note it was a lovely note and it's good
to be although and
this pod cat word not this podcast
because we still have my favorite
segments coming up here but to have this
yeah this good on the last show yeah I
was considered me begging for it and
then you know chastising every listener
for not writing in we had one yeah
unsolicited yep maybe alright but now
for the last time my favorite segment on
grave make it obvious this time that
user your mind Oh last time that'll
never happen Admiral Ackbar is sad
saturday oh my dear Oh sac bar uh Elmo
sack bar from a very very popular series
of movies star wars right mm-hmm that's
that's that's his piss his pedigree and
speaking of popular series of movies
let's try to make a sack plan and I just
yeah I failed at it ya SE sak Wars
that's how to discuss that I was like
Empire Strikes sack yeah there you go
but he really wasn't in the Empire
Strikes Back he was not he was only a
material Jedi yeah yeah anyway speaking
of movies cut that part um The Hunger
Games came out last week and took in a
hundred and fifty 2.5 million dollars in
the US in the very first weekend that
put it at number three for the top
opening weekends of all time Wow in the
US is right behind the dark knight and
last year's harry potter and deathly
hallows part 2 part 2 yeah please put
that into two movies oh yeah pretty
impressive I saw the movie on Friday uh
I liked it a lot I really enjoyed it I
thought it was really well-made well
well acted well written it was it was
surprisingly brutal with the violence
because if you don't know what the
premise is is basically a bunch of kids
killing each other until ones left like
12 to 18 year olds killing each other
it's pretty pretty awesome concept and
handle really well yeah um but I didn't
expect it to be this popular it is me so
well might I guess my my question then
is you know have have the teams taken
over because this is the kind of like
the twilight you know if you look at
twilight let the popularity of that
those movies i feel like you know if you
if you make a book kind of kind of care
targeted as a young adult yeah that's
all you have your printing money these
days I feel like Harry Potter Twilight
have the tweens and the teams taken over
that's my question yes no maybe what do
you want to hear fan sir do you want I
mean I think that it's there is always
there so it that the tough part is how
to capitalize on the teen economy
without completely debasing the art of
movie making yeah with things like
Twilight sure you know and I've had to
sit through those with scream 6 or
whatever well then as funny to say
scream 6 because the last scream came
out and was a complete dud at the box
office yeah because it was a is now at
that at the point it is now it's like
it's a throwback to your parents having
seen it right it's not something you
it's not something new and something you
take ownership of all right it's like oh
my mom was into that scream movies
that's not that cool what were you gonna
say but I didn't say what made you see
it cuz you didn't read the books I
didn't read the books um I like I what
maybe see was this is you new Dark
Knight was threatened you think this is
about what is this gotta know your enemy
man yeah um no I I guess early reviews
and you know my wife she read the books
and she told me what the premise was I
was like okay it's battle royale
it's the american version of battle
royale you guys have seen oh yeah the
Japanese will be better out which is
based on a Japanese book I think it's
japanese book um this is basically that
is the did you know battle royale with
um my people why people there's pretty
good mix in there which another thing
that was did not look that way from my
trailer yeah I know yeah in that
district is pretty because they like the
they're all separate into different
districts like 12 different districts
that's pretty it just look like what you
like girls hurt it's going to be doing
this yes yeah that wouldn't have been
different type but no let me there's a
pretty good mix of you know color in the
movie which I appreciate um but uh yeah
it was it was the early reviews and then
just the concept of it's like okay
better way out sure and I was like oh
there probably are not gonna go as far
as that RL they don't really go as far
battle right but they do get pretty
brutal with the killings which I really
enjoy an action was shot well and it was
very suspenseful like the the kind of
effects they use in every user it is the
effects sparingly but they were very
like story based effects we're just
gratuitous sex I'm disgusting battle
royale now though I know have you seen
it bunny no it's um it's basically the
same thing but yeah like high school
kids yeah it while the hunt down to but
now I saw it like the other day was just
going to run a movie it's like on
blu-ray now too oh is it yeah nice might
have to pick that up yeah just to we can
talk about it next no I was in the
teenagers killing teenagers before was
cool I i think though most teenagers
have that kind of like apocalyptic
fantasy where they're like you know what
what if my what if things happen at my
high school and we just have to is every
kid for themselves yourself yeah and me
and my trench coat mafia of like you
know friends laughter like numchuck our
way out of the school right yeah you
know whoever gets out first lids or
something like that and yeah so this is
and I think that's therein lies the
appeal the teenage appeals like I want
to go see this played out yeah I want to
see how to trip wanna see
was what are the best practices as far
as taking my fairly mom I feel my other
students oh yeah anyway I'm not happy
now yeah they go thank you everyone for
tuning in these many years to the crate
podcast do not mourn for us though we're
already dead that was that was the
that's how we were gonna do the hook at
the end you know surprise everyone's
already dead does pre-recorded ya know
we're all going to be doing some really
fun stuff and so you were if you are a
cnet viewer lover of cnet and the crave
blog you're going to see more of us and
all of our awesomeness so stay tuned a
tuned be excited continued yes but until
next time yeah
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